Chapter 5

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            As the day went by Marilyn was getting ready for her date with Matthew. She hasn't told the girls about the dates they were going on too. They were downstairs in the living room watching the new TV set that Marilyn's father had bought recent. They were also waiting for Ruth who went to the doctor. She wasn't feeling this morning and finally today the girls convince her to go. She has gone for almost three hours. She told them that she will call when she was done.

"She's taking a while," Violet said worriedly, "I bet she's fine. Maybe she went to have something to eat."

"Eat? Didn't she eat before she left?" Vanessa remember Ruth eating something before she left.

"She did but she might be hungry..."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm not saying anything."

"You are!" Vanessa cry out.

"She's hungry. That's all!" She said as she grab a book and use it to cover her face. Acting like she was reading. Vanessa try to think and it couldn't be possible.

"You don't think she's..."

"Maybe...after all she did and it was with two guys."

"Oh gosh! She can't be!"

"I bet she is..." Violet said softly to herself.

"Wanna bet?" Vanessa said. That got Violet attention. Marilyn then enter the room, worry. Thinking how to tell them that they have dates too. But she ask them what they were talking about. They explain.

"I can see now why you both fail Biology... we have to wait until she comes home. We can't assume anything" Marilyn said, "Anyway, I need you guys."

"What's wrong Marilyn?" Vanessa ask. Marilyn took a breath and exhale.

"I ask Matthew to set you guys...on... on a date."

"A date! With who?!" Violet exclaim.

"Oh Marilyn. Why?" Vanessa ask so worryingly

"I didn't want to go alone and I thought with you girls there I can be okay."

"With who!?" Violet ask her again.

"James and Wesley."

"Oh them...You know what Marilyn, I'll do this only this time." Violet said angrily, " But if any of them does something fishy I'll smack them so hard their grandkids will feel it."

" You mean your grandkids right?" Vanessa said it with a smirk. Violet growl at her. They all went and got ready for thief dates.

Thirty minutes pass and Violet was becoming impatient. She was walking back and forth. Threating if they are not there in a few minutes that she will leave. Marilyn beg her to calm down. Suddenly they heard a car coming from the pavement. They rush to the window and saw they guys coming out of the car.

"Geez! They're here!" Violet exclaim.

"I hope they can wait for a while." Marilyn suggest.

"Wait why?" Vanessa ask.

"Ruth is not here yet. We have to tell her that we're heading out." Marilyn said but then another car pull up behind the guys car. It was a taxi cab with Ruth in the seat behind. She gave the driver the money and walk past the guys, greeting them. She went to the front door only to be snatch by Violet.

"Why did you come so early?" Violet whisper to her as she look out the window. They were still there, chatting.

"Well because I was done with the..." Ruth stop what she was saying. She went to the window and look at Matthew and the guys, "Who is outside with Matthew?" she ask.

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