Chapter 1.

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Just a warning that this book is going to be on the darker side and will probably be triggering and/or offensive to some readers. There may be scenes that you will find upsetting and please think before you read. The story is not going to brighten up, my plots tend to end on the infuriating side and I apologize if it causes any distress at all. 

There will be scenes of forced control over a female, violent scenes and other scenes that may be offensive or triggering to some readers. So please, read with caution or it is okay to leave this book if you feel it may cause you any distress.

On a different note, 

I tend not to read the comment sections too much just because of personal reasons but please try to keep it friendly! I understand that not everyone is going to like my book (as much as it hurts my heart but It's okay) and the book is probably different to how some people have imagined it will be. I don't write about strong female characters,for the most past, and I feel this needs to be addressed (I can't remember if I have already). Strong female characters are absolutely amazing and essential for our future as women. I admire them and aspire to be like them,however, I do not write them. My books are my own ideas and they veer more towards a more submissive type of female. Please keep this in mind before reading/ during reading and be kind. If you are looking for a story where the female is empowering and independent then this is not the story for you.

Warning over, happy reading everyone :).

The class stayed silent, our heads bowed , a sign of submission when a man walked in. I was seated at the back next to a timid girl called Lucy. Our desks were in rows of two.

The sunlight filtering through the windows brought attention to the tiny dust particles floating through the air. They floated around the room, free and calm. I tracked their movements with fascinated eyes. The class was so very quiet, only Ms.Dawsons voice carried through the room, drilling words and ways into our heads.

The cleaner had found her mate and would not be returning. They were looking for a replacement for her but for now, the dust would dance and twirl in the air, rest comfortably on flat surfaces without any disturbances. Soon, they would be cleaned away, piled onto a dustpan and dumped into the trashcan.

I was watching them as Ms.Dawson spoke to us about male expectations and how to be obedient around them. She stood tall at the front of the class, her spine straight. Her curly black hair rested on her back. Dressed in a modest floral dress that reached a few inches past her knees, she stood with her chin high.

I once read a book on body language, determined to try and make some more friends. The book described how to find the ones who thought of themselves as being better than others.

"Chin up, head tilted up, steepled fingers. Look for clusters. There is a difference between being arrogant and being brave."

Looking at Ms.Dawson, it didn't take a genius to figure out which one she was.

"Girls, men know what they want." She grinned, lipstick smudged on her teeth as she looked at us. "And they will always get what they want."

She tapped the blackboard with the ruler twice, smiling at us. She enjoyed teaching us about men, her blue eyes lit up and she always stood straighter. She knew more about men than we did, she was mated and had kids who would be married off to their own mates whether they wanted to or not.

Females were meant to stay pure. Their mate had the right to claim the females innocence and take it away from her, for him to keep. I struggled to keep a blank face. I grew up in a household where my mother didn't particularly mind her place, she wasn't ecstatic about it but she decided to make the best out of it. I had adopted a few of her techniques but sometimes, my stomach would clench so painfully at the thought of being owned and possessed that I would double over and gasp for air.

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