chapter two: whoop they're here

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They finally pulled up to the store. It was quite large for a grocery store, but the larger it is, the more it must have. Karkat was silent the whole trip there. Kankri noticed this, and tried to brush it off.

But there was just something bugging him.

Kankri wanted Karkat to get mad, and boil up. He wanted the younger troll to yell at him. He wanted Karkat to slap him. But most importantly, he wanted to put Karkat in his place. To make Karkat scream. To make Karkat beg. He didn't want to hurt him in a manner that could lead to future harm, but he felt so pitch for his descent.

But this was just something he could never tell the younger troll. A troll and his dancestor in the pitch quadrant? It would ruin his reputation. He had vows to uphold. And if Porrim found out? Not only Porrim, but his other friends? Would he be shamed for his feelings? It's just all so wrong, yet something about it feels right-

"Hey fucktard, what kind of shit do you need to buy? Because again, I can't wait all day with your annoying ass." Karkat huffed, pushing a grocery cart.

"It's Kankri, and like I stated earlier, please refrain fr9m using said language-"

"And who's going to fucking stop me, huh? Please tell me, O' wise dancestor, whom I give no shit about. What person will be fucking triggered by my language? If anything, people have gotten used to it. Oh wait, YOU still haven't. So shut the fuck up, and get used to it."

Kankri inhaled sharply. He was not going to make a scene in the store with his descent. But he sure as hell was not going to let Karkat get away with that.

"9kay, fine. Have it y9ur way. 6ut I need y9u t9 g9 run and gra6 s9mething."

"Ugh, what-"


"Wh- what?? Why the fuck do you need those human virginity takers for females?!"

Kankri tried not to smile, "It's for s9me9ne. D9n't ask. Just please g9 and gra6 them."

"Fine, what the fuck ever." Karkat turned on his heel and walked to another isle.

Homochan here again
don't question that last part
kankri's just pulling karkat's leggy

One In The Dungeon [Vantascest] [Contains smut !!]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن