Spring Hunt (3)

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"Chunhua must apologize if Chunhua has come at an inconvenient time."  Chunhua said as she bowed again, but this time it was towards Siri.  "Chunhua apologizes to Princess Siri."  

Siri stared at Chunhua silently before looking at Ryu.  The moment Chunhua walked into their tent, Siri knew the woman held Ryu in her heart.  The way she carefully dressed, to the way she talked, to the way she presented herself in front of Ryu was only the best.  Because people who were in love with someone only wants the other person to see the most beautiful and most good side to themselves.  

"How can disciple sister Chunhua apologize to this Princess?"  Siri said as she sipped the top half of the teacup while Ryu reached out to drink the rest of the tea. "This Princess should welcome disciple sister Chunhua to come have tea with us.  It has been a long and tiring journey for everyone to get here to the royal forest.  And since you are Prince Ryu's disciple sister, please stand and sit with us."  

Chunhua stood up stiffly as she walked over to the table.  She wasn't expecting this kind of reaction from the Princess.  The rumors she heard about Princess Siri was that she was stubborn, ugly and rude.  What was before her was so far from the truth.  

When Chunhua sat down,  tea was immediately served to her. 

"Please enjoy.  This tea is from the sixth peak of the Seven Peak Mountain from Bido Kingdom. It is the Spring Sixth Sense Green Tea to help fight the cold and tiredness in one's body."  Siri said as she smiled politely to Chunhua.  "I had it specially ordered for The Spring Hunt, so Prince Ryu and I won't catch a cold during this celebration. Please, try it and let me know what you think."  

Chunhua's shaky hand reached out to grab the teacup as she watched the steam rise.  The aroma of the green tea, was so refreshing she felt all of her senses open up to the scent.  When she drank the tea, she could feel her body immediately warming up as the qi inside of her start to swirl and move.  It activated the qi inside of her to keep her body warm.  

"Em."  Chunhua said as she placed the teacup down.  "Princess Siri, this tea is great."  

"If disciple sister Chunhua likes it, then this Princess will gift some for you to try with your Father."  Siri said as she looked at Gilldy.  Gilly immediately went to retrieve a white jade box and handed it to Chunhua's maid.  "Tell your father to take care of his health during this Spring Hunt.  We wouldn't want him to catch a cold during this important celebration."  

With those words, Chunhua couldn't refuse the gift.  For the tea to be kept inside a jade box, meant that it was a specially grown tea that was infused with qi spirit on the sixth peak on the Seven Peak Mountain.  And to get it specially ordered from Bido Kingdom, meant that this gift was worth millions in gold coin along with the jade box alone, it was an expensive gift for their first meeting.  

Chunhua hated Siri when she first saw Siri, but now that hate burned with a hot fire as her heart raged with jealousy and resentfulness.  This grudge against Siri built up everytime Ryu reached out to drink from Siri's cup.  When he ate the other half of Siri's snack.  When he would brush his hand over her hand.  When he stared at Chunhua with indifference by became soft when looking at Siri.  

"Chunhua accepts this gift with an open heart and thanks Princess for this generous gift.  Chunhua is blessed to have met Princess and have Princess worry about Chunhua's Father.  Chunhua will tell Father of Princess's words and care."  Chunhua said softly and shyly.  

Chunhua sipped on the tea until it emptied, before it was quickly refilled.  

"Chunhua came here to look for Brother Ryu and wanted to ask Brother Ryu how Brother Ryu is faring."  Chunhua said as she shyly looked at Ryu.  It was like he was too bright for her to look at and yet, she wanted to look at him.   A pink tinge rose up from her neck and covered her cheek as she spoke.  "Last time Chunhua saw Brother Ryu, Chunhua was with Master Teacher Tsuyoi.  Brother Ryu was only able to stay for a while, so Chunhua was not able to sit down, drink tea and talk with Brother Ryu."   

Ryu didn't even look over at Chunhua when she spoke, keeping his eyes on his wife the whole time.  When Ryu didn't talk back Chunhua's face lit up red in embarrassment.  He didn't even answer her.  He didn't even look at her and it was all Siri's fault.  Siri took Chunhua's place in Ryu's heart.  Siri took all of Ryu's attention away from Chunhua.  And Siri took Chunhua's place beside Ryu.  

It was suppose to be Ryu and her together. Ryu treating her well and only favoring her.  How did things end up like this?  What kind of spell did Siri put on Ryu for Ryu to be so cold towards her. As if she was invisible? 

"Chunhua has taken up a lot of Princess Siri and Brother Ryu's time.  You have just arrived here and Chunhua was being rude.  Please forgive Chunhua."  She said quickly before standing up.  "Chunhua and Father will enjoy this tea.  Thank you again, Princess Siri for this gift.  Chunhua will drink it well and not catch a cold during this Spring Hunt.  Chunhua will see you tonight at the feast."  

Chunhua bowed quickly before leaving Siri and Ryu alone in their tent again.  Their servants and maids stand to the side as the two loving couple was suddenly under a cold and awkward silence.  

"So."  Siri said as she drank all the tea in the teacup not sharing the tea with him.  "Do you often sit, drink tea and talk with Sister Chunhua?"  

Ryu's eyes lit up as he saw Siri question him with a tint of jealousy to her shining eyes.  His heart immediately felt happy to see that she too, cared for him.  He couldn't help himself as he right eyebrow twitched when she drank down all the tea from her teacup, not sharing any of it with him.  He felt slighted that she did that.  

"Is Wife going to share some tea with this Husband?"  He asked her slowly.  

"Why should Wife? Husband should sit down, drink tea and talk with Sister Chunhua, seeing how you both missed out the last time Husband saw her."  Siri said spitefully as she stood up.  "This time, you can talk to her and tell her how you are faring.  Let her know that it was this Wife who was the only person who could help you.  Who is your life's savior twice over.  Who...."  

"Drives me completely insane."  Ryu said as he saw her to start pull away from him.  He interrupted her tirade with a passionate kiss, making her swallow her anger and jealousy as he took over the breathless kiss.  

When they broke away from the kiss, every maid and servant had left the tent, leaving the loving couple alone.  

"Who can only make this Husband, cum so hard, Husband thanks all my lucky stars and all the Gods, that this Husband was lucky enough to marry this Wife."  Ryu teased her as he cups her breast and starts to massage it.  "Only Wife can make this Husband turn into a devilish, debauched, depraved and lustful man that only wants Wife to scream out Husband's name every time."  

His hand slips inside her dress as it plays with her nipple.  

"Why would this Husband drink tea with a shrew when it's Wife's screams that Husband looks forward to with every joining?" Ryu whispered before he scoops her up quickly, making her shriek out in surprise.  "That is the first scream to a long line of screams, that this Husband expects to hear."  

Siri's face lit up red in embarrassment. Had she created a sex monster in her husband?  Siri kissed Ryu as he laid her down and pinned her against the bed.  

"If this is the way Husband acts every time this Wife gets jealous."  Siri said as she sweetly smiled at him.  "Then this Wife should be more jealous in the future."  

Ryu smiled back before kissing her quickly on the lips.   "Wife doesn't need to be jealous for Husband to be this way.  All Wife needs to do is just look at Husband and Husband can get hard in moments."  

"See, I told you this Wife can bewitch anyone with a look from my eyes."  Siri boasted as he rolled his hips into her, causing her to moan out loudly.  

"Then let us see how loud this Husband can make you scream."  

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