X + Y = Finn

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       The bell signalling the end of third period rang. Marissa gathered her Algebra supplies off her desk, and picked up her back pack. She slung it over one shoulder and carried her binder and book in her hand. Marissa's seat was in the back of the classroom so she was the last one left in the room.
       She was just about out the door when she was stopped by her teacher, Mr. Jiminy Cricket. Marissa had to admit, having a bug for a teacher had taken some major readjustment, but nothing she couldn't handle.
       "Marissa, could you stay back for a moment. I'd like to have a word with you," he said.   Marissa sighed, and turned away from the door, and walked over to the desk in which Mr. Jiminy Cricket was standing on top of.
      "Yes?" Marissa asked him suspiciously.
      "I don't know how they taught math back on the Isle, but here in Auradon we want out students to excel."
       "I'm sorry," Marissa interrupted. "But where exactly is this conversation going?"
        Jiminy sighed and shoved a piece of towards her. "This is your latest homework assignment." Marissa picked it up and looked over her work. She shrugged, not seeing a problem. Jiminy Cricket sighed. "For each problem, your answer was always 'Who cares', 'whatever', or some choice words that would not be appropriate for me to repeat."
       Marissa rolled her eyes. "Mr. Cricket, I know your trying to look out for me, but this isn't necessary. Is math really all that important?"
       "I'm afraid it is, Marissa," he replied. "Now, since you and your friends will be staying here for awhile, it would be in your best interest that you get some help. I have a tutor I could recommend."
       Marissa scoffed, "A tutor? Seriously?" Marissa wanted to laugh at the idea, but she was able to control herself.
       Jiminy nodded. "Yes, a tutor. Marissa I never turn my back on a student who needs help, even if they come from a..." Jiminy coughed. "Different background." Marissa couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Look, I really think this will do you some good. Math is a commonly used skill in Auradon, you can't just go through life not knowing it."
       Marissa laughed bitterly, "I made it sixteen years on the Isle with very little concept of all this, I can manage here in Auradon." It's not like going to be here much longer, Marissa thought to herself. But that was when she realized something. Until they got their hands on the Fairy Godmother's Wand, the Descendants would have to keep a low profile, act like they were understanding Auradon's ways. Marissa couldn't help but shutter at the thought. She had to look involved with her studies, which meant, until they got the wand and took over Auradon, Marissa would have to keep her grades decent. This of course implied that she would have to take up Mr. Jiminy Cricket's suggestion to get a tutor.
        "I know it would be a major adjustment, but--" Jiminy began again, trying his best to convince Marissa that a tutor would benefit her.
       "Alright," Marissa said, interrupting him before he could start to vent about the goods of learning. "I'll do it. I'll get help from this tutor."
       Jiminy looked at her, a bit shocked that she had actually agreed, but he couldn't help but grin. Maybe there was goodness in these villain kids after all. "Righy-o!" He cheered. "I'll talk to Finn and have him meet you in the library after classes are over."
       "Hold on!" Marissa said, raising her voice at the old cricket, completely forgetting about common Auradon courtesy when speaking to Legendary Figures. "Did you just say, Finn? Finn Fitzherbert? As in in Finn Fitzherbert is going to be my math tutor?"
        Jiminy nodded. "That'd be the one," he replied, completely unaware of the thick grudge Marissa had against the Prince of Corona.
       "I-I don't suppose I could have a different tutor?" Marissa asked, trying to remain as calm as possible over the fact that she was going to be forced into spending time with one of her least favorite people.
        Jiminy Cricket, frowned and shook his head. "Sorry, Marissa. Not that I don't have other tutors, but I just think Finn would just be the best choice. He's at the top of his class when it comes to math and incredibly patient when he tutors his peers." Marissa muttered some colorful words under her breath. "I'm aware that your parents are enemies, but that doesn't mean you and Finn have to be."
        Marissa raised an eyebrow at her teacher. Her and Finn, not be enemies? She wouldn't let that happen. Not in a million years. But this feeling in her gut was poking at her with a knife. She had to go through with it, no matter how much it killed her. Marissa forced out a sigh and took in a deep breath. "You're right," she answered through gritted teeth, forcing a smile. "I'm sure Finn and I will get along great..."

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