fred weasley : home

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Your Name: (Y/N)
Your House: Gryffindor
Your Year: Fourth
Boys Name: Fred
Boys House: Gryffindor
Boys Year: Fourth
Wished Plot: your parents won't let you go back to Hogwarts bc it's not safe, Fred and George come and get you


You stared at your Hogwarts trunk in the corner of your room and sighed. Tears welled in your eyes, your parents weren't letting you go back to Hogwarts this year. They said it was too dangerous for you to return. With Voldemort hanging around, trying to kill Harry. They were afraid that you would get caught in the cross fires.

You were going to miss your boyfriend Fred Weasley and his twin brother George. You had yet to tell Fred that you wouldn't be returning to Hogwarts. You knew he would be upset, he would be angry with your parents. You loved Fred. And your parents, although trying to protect you, they were tearing you from your life.

A buzzing from the night stand grabbed your attention. It was Fred, calling your phone from his in the burrow. You had given him one for Christmas last year so that he could call you and talk when you weren't with him at the Burrow. He used it to call and talk for hours, about the pranks he and George had played on Ron.

"Hey babe." You managed to say, trying not to let him know how upset you really were. Maybe it was better to break up with him than to tell him that your parents wouldn't let you return to Hogwarts.

"Hey!" He sounded so happy. You could picture the smile a mile wide across his face. "I'm so excited to see you tomorrow! I haven't seen you in almost a month!" Fred still sounds so happy. You hated that this was happening.

"Yeah I know what you mean." Tears leaked from your eyes as you realized that you would never see Fred again. He made you laugh knew you were down and he made you feel important. "I miss you so much." You had to hold your phone away from your mouth in order to let out a soft sob.

"Oh I didn't tell you about about the prank-"

"Freddie as much as I would love to hear about your prank I need to talk to you about something serious." You interrupted him, you could almost see his face drop. You hated when you had to interrupted him, especially because you loved hearing about his pranks.

"Oh ok." Fred mumbled into the other end of the line. You squeezed your eyes shut before taking a long breath.

"Fred I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore." You were lying. You wanted to be with him but this was the easiest way. To lie to him. You knew if you told him your parents were keeping her then he was sure to come and take you away.

"Can't do what? What's wrong?" He was being to sweet and making this to hard. The nicer he was the harder this was for you to break up with him. Was this going to hurt him to much? How was he going to react?

"Freddie- uh- Fred I'm trying to break up with you-"

"Oh." He said. This made you stop talking. He sounds crushed. And just picturing the look on his face made your uncontrolled sobbing worse. "Ok I mean I guess I'm sorry- for whatever I- um- did. I'll- um - see you-"

"Freddie." Fred stopped stammering as you spoke to him. "I'm so sorry." You told him. He sighed through the phone. "I didn't want to do this-"

"They why did you?" Fred suddenly seemed angry, he had every right to be.

"My parents aren't letting me go back to Hogwarts and I think it would be best-"

"Wait? Why won't they let you come back?" Fred seemed so much more calm now then he did before. "Come on (Y/N) just talk to me." She could picture him running his hangs through his red hair. You loved his red hair.

"They said Hogwarts isn't safe anymore." You told him. You knew his mother had considered the same thing with her four children that still attended Hogwarts.

"So there's no way they're gunna let you go?" He begged, an idea seems to pop into his head by his voice.

"No I'm sorry-" Then he hung up. You sighed, before placing your phone down. Then began crying yourself to sleep.

*Time Skip*

There was a loud noise coming from your window that woke you. You got up and looked out your window. Your eyes widened when you saw Fred and his brother George, flying their fathers enchanted car.

"Fred! George! What are you two doing here?" You cried to them, Fred had just hung up on you less then a hour ago.

"We came to get you, Fred told me your parents weren't going to let you go to Hogwarts so we decided to take the car-"

"To come a get you." Fred told you. You smiled at them. "Well come on get your things." He told you. You smiled at him, god you loved this redhead

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