Chapter six

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[A.N: I wanna start off by saying Zak is dead to me, on with the story]

Dipper's P.O.V.

I woke up with my clothes damp from earlier and no longer chained in the basement, I start to wonder upstairs to find Bill. Eventually I find him and he's talking to his henchmen while sitting in his throne. I'm still shook from last night, what an ass! "Morning love" he says noticing me. All eyes are on me as I walk towards him, shaking with fear. Maybe there's one way out if this deal, the question is do I want to take that risk? What the hell. "Morning Bill...I'm still in love with Wendy" it's a long shot. You could see the anger boil inside him, shit I made the wrong choice. "That's Impossible you love me and only me right?" I stares into his eyes and without knowing it I said 'right and nodded blankly as if I was under a trance.

"Besides that wouldn't get you out of my grasp it would only make it tighter" just like how he had his arm around me yesterday morning. I nod and look down do I want to get away? Yes of course I do...right?  He smirked and snapped his finger then his henchmen grabbed me "although I guess I could punish you again if you do truly still love her." I shook my head at an inhuman speed but couldn't decide if it was because I'd be tortured or if I really did just love the guy, wait no I can't think about thing like that he's a demon and demons can't love...right? Gaaaahhhhh. I want to have a meltdown but I just take a deep breath and look at him "Dipper I have an order" an...order? "I want you to wear a dress." Why a dress?

Bill's P.O.V.

My queen would look the prettiest in a dress besides everyone has to know he's a queen and that he's mine. I snap my finger to order my henchmen and the take Dipper back to try on a few dresses, he soon comes back blushing in a red dress that's the color of his normal shirt and the necklace I gave him for could say. As I see him I try not to have a nosebleed on the spot, but no promises. "Good now one last thing" I spin him around so his back is towards me and with some flames I start carving into his skin the words 'Bill Cipher's property' its visible in the back due to the low cut back which is why I placed the carving there. "Aahh, Billlll" he instantly screams and tries arching his back to get away "now, now Pine tree I can't have someone touch you because the didn't have a warning to look at on your back."

That and I just love seeing and hearing him scream and cry in pain. When I finish I turn him around and wipe his tears away then kiss him gently on his soft lips. Surprised at the not so sudden, sudden contact he doesn't kiss back at first but then he starts to. Curious of yesterday's...'lesson' had kicked in I pulled away and asked him a question "I love you Pine tree, do you love me?" At first he stares at me with wide eyes obviously shocked I'd asked such a thing "yes Bill, I do love you." It's strange yesterday he lied to get out of punishment and today he's genuine and telling me he loves me at the same time. Guess I'll find out the truth sooner or later.

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