A new beginning

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I woke up with my arms around Sydney. It was an amazing night. I got out of bed to go take a shower. Syd was still asleep. Just as I got downstairs. There was a knock at my door. I was only in my pajama pants with no shirt. I opened the door to find a man who looked only a few years older than me.
( bold is Ethan, slanted is the man)


Listen you little twat. Syd is mine and always will be.

Umm who the actual fuck are you?

I'm michael dumbass. And that little whore is coming with me. Where is she?!?

No she is not fucking coming with you and how the fuck do you know she's here?

I saw her with you fuckface. Now you tell Sydney to call me in 20 fucking minutes alright. Or you will never see her again. You got that?!?

I flipped him off and slammed the door. I ran up to our room and yelled for Sydney to wake up. She woke up startled.

"Ethan b-baby what's wrong?" She asked me.

I took her into my arms and told her "your ex michael stopped by. He said he wants you to call him in 20 minutes or I will never see you again"

I felt her shake then begin to cry "h- he's capable of so much b-baby" she replied.

"Well what do we do?" I asked.

"I'm going to go call my brother Mark. I'll be back in a minute. He'll know what to do" she replied and went off to call her brother.

She came back and said "babe. My brother said we can come with him. In L.A. is that okay baby? He's already buying our tickets"

"Okay babe. Whatever protects you" I said as I kissed her.

I said "But what about calling Michael?"

"Mark said to call him and tell him I'm breaking up with you even though I'm not. And to give me 48 hours to get all my stuff then to come pick me up". She replied

I smiled at the plan and asked "are you sure it's going to work?"

"Definitely. He's pretty dumb" she laughed and said.

It was almost 20 minutes later and Sydney went to call Michael. She dialed the number and it rang 2 times before he answered.

(Bold is Sydney and slant is Michael)

Oh look who decided to call.

Michael. I'm leaving Ethan. I don't love him anymore. I love you. Please take me back?

Of course baby. How long until I pick you up?

How about 48 hours?

Okay that's fine babe. See you then. I love you.

Syd just hung up the phone and smiled at me. We went upstairs to pack up our stuff and get ready to move to Mark's house.

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