01. Breakfast*

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^Watch the video above. It gives you a good knowledge about Autism in a simple way. I'm sure it's worth of your time. (:



"Baby wake up darling we gotta go school" Jay said frantically trying to get her son to wake up.

"N-No" Louis looked up at his mommy and hid under the covers more.

"Please, sweets." Jay said trying to remove the covers. But Louis only whined and curled to himself.

"Well okay you leave me no choice then baby boy." Jay smirked. "Here comes the tickle monster" Loud giggles irrupted through the house. He frantically tried to get away from his mother's ticking session still giggling. 

After a while Jay stopped and said "I see someone is up now. Let's get ready sweetheart." Louis nodded and lifted his hands up silently telling her to lift him off the bed. Jay chuckled at this. 

"Baby you're too big for mommy to lift you up now. How about my baby stand up on his own like a big boy." Louis frantically shook his head and started biting his fist. Jay sighed. 

"Please baby. Mommy is so tired." Louis just continued what he was doing. Jay sighed and 'lifted' her 18 years old up. Louis giggled at this throwing his head back like it's the most joyous thing in the world.

"Oi, mommy is old, don't laugh at her." Jay said with a fond smile.


After a lot of fussing around and a broken toothbrush Jay got her son to get ready. 

"Baby let's make this quick please I wanna go to work after dropping you out at school" Jay said trying to get her angered son in to the car. Jay accidentally has hurt his mouth while trying to brush his teeth. Since then he has been angry. Finally he got in the car. 

"My good boy. Okay, since I didn't have time for breakfast today let's buy some."Jay said and started driving.


 When Jay stopped near their usual coffee shop she didn't expect that to be this crowded. She somehow went inside with her son besides her.

Louis looked up the bells that rung when they entered the coffee shop and admired them. Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by a large crashing sound. Then a woman started yelling at a boy who has bumped into her making her food tray fall. People around them started talking in a hushed tone. 

All of this were too loud for Louis. Even the hushed sounds were getting louder and louder.

Then he did his only option that his mind can signal him to do. He covered his ears and screamed. Once, twice, thrice. "N-NO" He started crying. Jay was quick to catch him before he falls to the ground. 

"What's wrong baby?" Jay asked desperately trying to make this stop. But Louis got outta her mommy's grasp and fell to the ground, wailing harder than before and started tapping his ears.

The fact that the place is too loud for Louis didn't cross Jay's mind.  She crouched down to his level frantically trying to get him to a stop.

"Excuse me ma'am I think this place is kinda loud for his liking" Jay looked up to see a stranger with short brown hair and green eyes. He was very tall. 'Oh lord why didn't I think about that.' jay mentally face palmed. She sent a small smile to the stranger and turned to her son who was now screaming out inhuman sounds with an angered face. 

"Do you wanna get out of here baby?" Jay asked raising her voice louder than her son's ear piercing screams. She didn't wait for her son's reaction. She just helped him up. 

Louis hid his head in his mommy's shoulder still sobbing. He looked up from where he had his face in Jay's shoulder to the stranger standing there for a second before hiding his face again.

It's more than safe to say that the stranger fell for those blue eyes then and there.

Louis sobbed into her mom's shoulder still writhing around. Jay turned around to say thanks to the stranger but Louis sobbed loudly at that. Stranger got the idea and signaled Jay that he would come outside. Jay smiled gratefully and walked outta the coffee shop.

Once outside she sat her son in the car. But she didn't shut the door since he's scared of sitting in a car alone. Harry came out and smiled at Jay.

"Thank you so much Mr. ..." Jay trailed off.

"Styles. Harry Styles." Harry said nodding with a smile plastered to his face and extended his arm.

"Johanna Tomlinson." She smiled shaking his extended hand.

"I have a cousin who has the same difference as him. So I thought that was it." Harry said smiling at the boy in the car who is now gurgling around his fist with his head tilted to side.

"Yeah. That didn't cross my mind right then. Thank you again. It's nice meeting you but I better get going now Mr. Styles. I was kinda running late for this little trouble maker's school." Jay said trying again to stop her son's chewing. 

"Alright, it was nice meeting you too. See you around!" Harry bid his goodbyes. Jay nodded and turned around to leave but stopped.

"Oh god! I forgot breakfast." Jay said trying to think of something that she could do.

"I can help if you don't mind" Harry said hearing what Jay said. Jay felt guilty for bothering a stranger this much but she had no choice left. 

"I feel guilty for doing this but I have no choice." Jay said with a guilty expression already on her face.

"I don't mind Mrs. Tomlinson. What do you want me to bring for you?" Harry smiled. 

"Call me Jay. Can you buy me two donuts with two dark coffees? God, you're a life saver." Jay said dead serious. Harry chuckled. 

"Oh it's nothing." Harry said turning around to go to the coffee shop again. Harry brought the breakfast for them and rejected the money Jay gave him. 

"No, Mr. Styles, take this money, please." Jay tried shoving money to Harry's hands but he kept rejecting.

"Okay, fine. Then come over for a coffee or a dinner if you're not busy some day. As a thanking for this. This was something I seriously never got from a stranger. So if you don't mind would you like to?" Jay asked. This was a huge thing for her. 'Cos everybody just looked at her son disgusted when he has a meltdown. But this was different, completely different.

"Yeah I don't mind. I would be free whole day tomorrow." Harry said surprised that the woman even cared about that.

"Awesome!" Jay said now reaching to take her son's hand out of his mouth, which has saliva running down. Louis mumbled a quiet 'no' under his breath and started chewing on his sweater.

Harry and Jay exchanged their numbers and Jay promised to text him her address.

"Okay then. Does 7pm sound good for you?" Harry asked eyeing Louis with overwhelming fondness. (Already Styles?)

"Yeah that'd be good." 

They bid their farewells. Harry looked at the boy with blue eyes again with a fond smile and waved. Louis just stared at him for a second and hid his face under his sweater paws before leaving with his mommy.


(Word Count 1190)

A/N - There would be Teacher Payne in the next chappy *wink wonk*

Love yall! (:


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