Chapter Five

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Hey guys, thanks for making it this far. I am enjoying my time while writing, so I hope you are doing the same with reading. Anyway let's go to the story, before you hate me.

- Chapter Five - Introduce

I was ready to go to the pack house. I changed quickly to some casual outfit. I wasn't in the best mood ever. Plus we were in a rush, so I just wore the first thing in my view. It was a white shirt that had some colors on the top, and Blue pants. I put my hair in a messy bun. After changing, I went down.

Mum and dad were both ready

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Mum and dad were both ready. We went in the car, and we drove to the pack house. Everyone was training already. Julie was there waiting for me.

" Sorry for coming late. " I apologized.

" Don't worry. Everyone is here. Let's introduce you to them. Hope you don't really mind kids. " she said with a smile.

" I adore them. " I said, happily.

" Glad you do. " She said.

We started walking, until we were standing in front of some women, and kids. We stopped, and all the attention was on me. At first, I was kinda nervous. I disliked being under the spot. Some thought that I was acting kind, because I wanted to be under the spot, but that wasn't true. I hated unwanted attention.

" Everyone meet Cara. She will be taking care of you okay? Everyone please introduce yourself. " she said with a warm smile.

She was a true luna. She did all her jobs, and was responsible enough. She was like a mother to the whole pack.

A boy who looked around thirteen years walked, and said " You are the responsible one here! Okay then, I am Zen. "

Zen had Black hair, and Gray eyes. He had a slim body. He looked cool. He seemed like a nice guy.

" Nice to meet you. " I said with a smile, which he returned.

" Mark. " said a boy who looked the exact copy as Zen, but with a younger version.

" Nice to meet you little kid. " I said, messing with his hair.

" I am not a kid. I am nine years old. Even Zen says I am old enough to take care of myself. " he pouted.

I chuckled, and then looked at another guy. He looked like the two brother. He looked at me, and then looked away.

' Jerk, ' I thought, and rolled my eyes.

" That is Xavier. He is our older brother, and he is eighteen. " said Mark.

" Eighteen? Why didn't he shift yet? " I asked, looking at the guy again.

" He was cursed by a witch. He won't shift until he finds his mate. " said Zen.

' Poor guy, ' I thought. ' Maybe he isn't that bad. I should try talking to him. '

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