-One: Aurora-

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Aurora doesn't walk; she glides, or that's what people tell her. She is a tall, lithe young woman, who carries herself well for someone from Arrowedge - a tiny village, on the edge of Kankor Valley.

The night is dark, the only light coming from the broken blood moon. It shines down on her long, jet-black hair making it shimmer. The light casts a shadow bringing out her high cheekbones, showing off her beauty.

Aurora moves towards Wryamt forest. As she looks up, her big doe eyes sparkle. Normally emerald green, they turn a strange yellowy-red as they reflect the moon's glow.

What wonders there must be out in the world. She hums a simple tune, tickling the back of her throat making her giggle aloud.

As she reaches the tree line, she looks back towards Arrowedge, her home and birthplace. It's a place she adores, her friends, family and even the occasional stray dog make her heart swell. She loves it all, the scent of wet grass in the morning and the musk of wood smoke in the evening. Even the simple cottage she shares with her family although isolated on the edge of their village.

She enters the forest, surrounding herself with the rich smell of oak and birch. Her hands touching each one she passes, feeling the rough bark across her palms. She brushes past the tall ferns and the various shades of pink, purple and yellow wildflowers that cover the ground. The many scents and callings of the creatures envelop her as one of their own.

She goes deeper into the forest where no other humans normally venture. Picking up the trails of the deer and foxes; she notices a floppy ear from a half-hidden rabbit off to her left, then another two to her right. Aurora spins around laughing as a gust of air, filled with a few stray leaves, winds around her body to caress her in return.

Her ears twitch with the animals squeaking and rustling through the undergrowth. She inhales the sweetness of a vibrant blue wildflower; it's strong and overpowering but still beautiful. Aurora walks down amongst the trees, listening to the surrounding sounds. Listening for that distinct grunt of her furry little friends.

She looks at all the trees surrounding her. She can see oak, birch, pine, spruce and even some maple trees off to her left. Her father used to bring her here. He taught her about the plants and trees, how to distinguish them by their fallen leaves. She knows what plants are edible and which are poisonous. And he taught her about the animals too, her favourite things in this world.

Still searching for murmurs, she rounds a grassy knoll and spots them. She smiles from ear to ear, then reminisces to the time she told Matti about them.

"They're my friends, Matti. They have been forever."

"You're mad, Aurora. To get that close to them. You need to stop."

"I can't. They've never hurt me."

"You're going to get hurt, even killed, Aurora. So don't blame me when it happens!" She stormed off, not even looking back.

She didn't listen to her sister then, and she isn't about to start now. She almost sprints to them in her excitement. These majestic beasts of raw power, every bit as ferocious as people have heard.

As Aurora finally breaks into a run, she shouts out in greeting. They all turn with what can only be described as smiles on their small faces. They beam out below their short snouts. Their bodies huge, covered in hair, massive claws protruding from their paws.

It's a family; five of them. Their home is a bright little grove in the middle of the forest floor. A wide area covered with ferns, shrubs and flowers alike, with a small burrow dug into the side of the hill. As she nears, she notices the moonlight reflecting off the dew-covered leaves.

Aurora - Book One of The BrightStone SagaWhere stories live. Discover now