Chapter 21: Hope To Die

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Whilst walking home with William, he tried to cope with what he'd just witnessed nearly half an hour ago. He was surely not okay with what I'd done.

"Crystal..." William said.

"Yes?" I replied.

"I can't do this anymore."

"Do what?"

William looked at me, unable to speak. "I can't defend you anymore."

I gave William a look of disbelief. "Have you forgotten that you've killed too, William?"

"No. Which is exactly why I'm going to turn myself in." William replied.

I gave him the look a cheetah would give a gazelle after going over a week without eating. My eyes were magnetized to the fear that grew on his face.

"You are not going to ruin this for me. I've come too far. We've come too far." I said.

William became fond of a realization that he'd been looking for all this time. "You're right. We can't stop now. Not if even wanted to."

I hated to do it, but I had to. Manipulating William into keeping shut was my only option at this point. William has been my best friend for the longest time. If I was going to kill anyone to keep shut, it would never be him.

William and I eventually made it back to the motel. Unaware, William and I are surprised to see Officer Watson and Joshua at the motel.

"Hey, Officer Watson. What're you doing here?" I asked.

What she said next made my heart drop. "Crystal, I'm taking you in for questioning."

"For what?" I asked.

Joshua mouthed "I'm sorry". I knew exactly what was happening. Joshua's mother had gotten to the notes. Either that or he showed them to her, which in that case, he wouldn't live to see the next day.

My father exited his motel room, aware of the situation. "Crystal, she's just going to ask you a few questions."

My father and I knew exactly what was happening, and he didn't like it one bit. Neither did I. "Come with me, Crystal." Officer Watson said.

William gave me a look of worry, but I brushed it off, trying my best to seem calm. I entered Officer Watson's vehicle and closed the door behind me.

Later, I and Officer Watson were on our way to the police station. I knew exactly what she'd ask me, and I knew the exact answer to every one of them.

"How you been lately, Crystal?" Officer Watson asked.

"I've been better. With all the tragic deaths recently, I'm sure it's been hard for everyone." I replied.

"Yeah, for sure. But, has it been hard on you?"

I knew exactly what she was implying. "What do you mean?" I asked, aware of the answer.

"You know, if there's anything you've done in the past or anything recently, perhaps anything illegal, just know that you have people who are here to help you."

"Thanks, but I haven't done anything to require help."

"I'm just saying." Officer Watson said with a fake smile.

We reached the police station. Officer Watson walked me into a questioning room, which was code for "interrogation room".

I took a seat and she began asking questions. "Where were you at 5:54 PM on the day of the murder of Joslyn Patters?"

"I was over at my friend's house."

"William Summers, correct?"

"Yes, ma'am," I replied.

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