moving day. c h a p t e r 1

571 18 1

Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
F/C - Favorite color
H/C - Hair Color
E/C - Eye color
H/L - Hair Length
F/D - Favorite Drink
F/F - Favorite Food
( A/N: if i. Need to add more let me know. )

Your p o v

You woke up from your alarm clock going off. " Shit " you muttered to yourself. So you looked over at your nightstand at your alarm clock to the time.. Then I look at the time 7:00 a.m. So I rolled out of my bed. Once I hit the ground. I winced when my fresh open cuts ( you cut yourself ) hit the ground. But I brushed it off and got dressed. a set of clothes and a pair of (F/C) converts. Then packed the last 3 boxes left that you had to pack. You packed a box for your bedroom. And a box for your kitchen. And lastly a box for your systems, ECT.

Then you got a text from your best friend / crush from high school.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Y - you
Z - Zane

Z - hey ( Y/N ) when are coming to move into ur new house across the street from mine.

Y - I'll be there soon.

Z - How soon?

Y - very I'm leaving right now. I'll be there soon.

Z - oh OK cya soon.

Y - don't tell aph I'm moving across the street from you.

Z - why?

Y - she'll throw a moving in party for me.

Z - oh yeah cya.

• skip time to at your new house •

Once I got there Zane was in my yard. Waiting on me. I walked in with 3 boxes.

Y -" my stuff is in the moving van."

Z - " OK. "

Then Zane puts 2 boxes in my house. After all the boxes are in the house we wait for the moving van.

( A/N: chapter one done, but I did a cliff hanger. Any way 319 words )

Lonely Hated Scars, But Beautiful Love In The End(Zane x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now