⇻ player (g)

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a/n: if you couldn't tell by the past two grayson imagines, i'm a grayson girl. but i'll do an ethan one next time i post, and i don't know when that will be, but soon!

gray -

you walked into starbucks after a long day of school, surprised, yet happy, that there wasn't a lot of people today. you walked up to the counter and ordered your drink, which came effortlessly to you. you took your drink and sat down at a table, setting your backpack on the ground.

before you started homework, you went on social media for a bit, and tried to make yourself not seem lonely. you heard the sound of a chair being pulled across the floor and you looked up to see a guy your age sit in the seat in front of you.

"hi?" you said, not sure if you know him or not, or why he's sitting here, in front of you.

"hey," he said with a slight smirk, "i can't help but notice you from over there," he pointed behind him," and i would like to get your number."

"no thanks," you said, sipping your drink, and went back to scrolling through instagram. he was quite hot though, you can admit that, but you did have trust issues, so you didn't want to give him your number so easily.

"oh come on, why not?" he said, scooting his chair closer to you. you mentally groaned, thinking he wasn't leaving until he gets your number, but you might as well play hard to get.

"because i don't know you," you said, not looking up from your phone.

"you can get to know me if you give me your number," he replied.

"yeah, no chance," you said, pulling out your laptop from your backpack, trying to seem busy so it would give him the idea to leave you alone.

"can i at least get a name?" he said hopefully.

"nope," you said, keeping your eyes focused on your laptop. your laptop slammed shut, making you jump back in surprise. "hey!" you yelled. "you almost cut my fingers off!"

"got your attention," he said, smirking.

"dick," you mumbled under your breath, opening your laptop again and tried doing your homework. you started typing your essay, not realizing that he had gotten up and he was looking over your shoulder.

"ah, so your name is y/n," he said, sitting back down. "well, y/n, it is nice to meet you." he smiled.

you rolled your eyes and groaned mentally. "you got my name, you can leave now," you said. but there was a tiny part of you that wanted him to stay because you liked the attention you got. there wasn't many guys who liked you or tried to get your number, so this was new to you.

"not until i get your number, baby," he said, reaching over and placed his hand on top of yours, only for you to jerk your hand back.

"why don't you tell me your name first?" you said, "maybe i'll give you my number then." you smiled innocently at him.

"hmm," he said, leaning forward to take a closer look at you. "i don't know if you'll keep that promise, baby."

"you'll just have to see, won't you?" you replied, slightly smirking.

"grayson," he said. "grayson's my name."

"nice to meet you, grayson," you said, and went back to your essay. you felt him reach over and tap your shoulder. "yes?"

"i believe you owe me something," he said, holding his hand out.

"i believe i don't," you replied.

"come on, y/n, don't be like this," he said playfully. "just give me your number and i'll show you a good time."

"hmm, no thanks," you said. he scooted his chair closer to you, so that he was literally sitting next to you, his knee almost touching yours.

he threw his arm around you and said, "i'll just wait until you give me your number." you felt nervous now that he was this close to you, but you gotta maintain character.

"okay, do you what you want, you're not getting it," you said, a little less confidently.

"is someone nervous?" he whispered in your ear. "does someone seem to like me?"

"no," you harshly replied, moving away from his face. "you're just too close for comfort."

"if i was to close for comfort, you'd be moving away," he said, "but i see you're not going to be moving anytime soon, since you're so comfortable here."

"fine, you want me to move, i'll move," you said, standing up only for him to grab your waist, pulling you back down. your gasped as pulled down you, hands remaining on your waist.

"you're not going anywhere, baby," he said. "cause i know you like me, and i like you, so you should give me your number."

you stared at him debating whether or not you should. "fine," you said, pulling out a piece of paper, starting to write your number down.

you heard the bell go off, indicating that someone had walked into the restaurant. you looked up and you saw grayson walk to the girl who just walked in and wrap his arm around her waist.

you softly gasped as he flirted with her, kissing her and making her laugh and giggle. he looked at you, not even caring about you anymore. he was flirting with you and he just left, just lien that. you grew angry, as you packed up your stuff, and stood up form your seat. on your way out, you dumped your drink on him, and pushed the door open.

you'd didn't look back, not giving a flying fuck about players like him.

a/n: holy crap, this sucked really bad, i'm sorry. let me know what you think of this cause i don't like it that much.

thanks for reading! i love you!

(highly, highly unedited haha)

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