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did i murder alex fuentes? *_*


I'm woken from my sleep by a nightmare. It was about people I love getting hurt. My parents... My old friends from other states... Alex. They all died.

"It was just a dream," I whisper to myself like I do after all my nightmares that feel a little too real. "They're okay." I reach over in my bed, expecting to find someone there to hug and feel safe, but there's no one. I'm still not used to sleeping on my own, and every time i'm reminded I am alone it's like the first time without him all over again.

After that I can't sleep again. It's already hard enough to sleep at night because i'm always thinking about Alex and getting myself upset over him; replaying the things he said to me over and over in my head. And now it's the middle of the night and there's no way i'm getting back to sleep after that.

Sometimes when i'm so upset over Alex, it's really hard to get out of bed in the morning and the thought of going to school and continuing on with my normal life without him in it makes me want to cry for sixteen hours straight. Today is one of those days, but I go anyway. Classes are good I guess because I can force myself to focus on the work and not Alex, even though that's pretty hard.

To make things harder, everyone is talking about the Fuentes family today. None of them are at school, so rumours are flying that they all caught some disease, or they're just away on a trip. Some people have even gone to the extremes of saying Alex is dead.

Alex Fuentes is not dead. I know it sounds weird, but I feel like if he was dead, i'd feel it somewhere inside of me. Now that I think about it, I have had this weird feeling, and I had that creepy dream last night... 

Nah, there's no way Alex is dead. People and their stupid rumours.

I spot Jace in the halls while on my way to class. When I get close to him, I notice he has a black eye. "Hey, Jace. What happened to your eye?"

"It doesn't matter ," he looks down at the floor. Something's off with him.

"Is everything okay?"

"Well, I wouldn't use okay as a way of describing things right now, so I guess not."

"Why? What's wrong?" I begin to get worried.

"You don't know?"


"Alex got stabbed."

I feel my heart drop, the whole world around me becoming fuzzy. Alex... Stabbed. Are the rumours true? Is he... Dead? Who did that to him? Why? When? I want to ask Jace a million questions but he turns around and leaves before I can, and I stand there frozen in the corridor for what feels like hours.


What am I doing? Why am I crying my eyes out on the way to the hospital to see a boy who doesn't give two shits about me?

Because I fucking love him, that's why. Because no matter how much he can make me cry and tell me he doesn't care about me, and say he doesn't want to talk to me again; I'll still love him. And he's hurt, and I need to see him. I need to at least have a glance at him to make sure he's alright. Of course he's not alright though. He got fucking stabbed.

"Can you tell me where Alex Fuentes is?"

The woman at the desk looks up from her computer, startled by my eagerness. "Down the hall, second room on the right."

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