What's Cheesy is What's True- Carth X LSF/Revan Blip

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- Summary- On the Ebon Hawk after Taris when they are on their way to Dantooine, Cartha be Aria get into yet, another fight. Mission plays peace maker.
(Aria is my OC. I think you'll like her. She's got a...personality that's for sure)
        Carth's POV
   Infuriating. She was infuriating. The woman who stood in front of him no doubt thought the same vise versa.
          Aria Star and his teaming up hadn't been planned. No, if it had been planned he would have pleaded to whatever controlled the fate of the galaxy to provide anyone else as his partner on the now gone planet, Taris. Anyone else.
   He wasn't quite sure what exactly, frustrated him about the ex-smuggler. Whether it was her far too casual, sarcastic demeanor, stubborn personality, or just overall appearance, he wasn't sure. He just knew he was mad. Mad at her. And she at him.
        Aria Star was a brunette woman with long hair almost always tied back, sharp cat-like green eyes, a scar on her right cheek, and sun-kissed skin. She was of average height, and impossibly fit. Needless to say, she was attractive. Attractive, flirtatious...and completely, unimaginably argumentative. He didn't even know what they were fighting about this time. He forgot as the striking figure and her bold personality stormed off in a very unJedi-like rage. If she was to be trained as a Jedi due to her force capabilities that had so recently been discovered, then the galaxy was doomed. He couldn't understand why Bastila wanted to even try to get her accepted into the order. It just didn't make sense.
Before the Republic's best pilot could turn the other way in the hangar and head to the cockpit in his own rage, he heard someone cough from the doorway Aria had just stalked through. Cautiously, the dark haired man turned to see the young Twilek Mission. The small blue woman had her arms crossed over her chest and a reprimanding look on her face. "What?" He asked, rather harshly. But the fourteen year old didn't care.
"Aren't you going to apologize?" She asked, a brow raised. Carth scoffed. Pivoting on a heel, he started toward the opposing doorway that would lead into the com room then into the hall with the cockpit. "I'm not apologizing to her," he said indignantly. He ignored it when Mission muttered, "And they say I'm the child."
As the pilot walked to the cockpit, Mission followed him. He had to admit, he appreciated the Twilek's presence and different outlook on life. Aria and she had become almost instant friends. It wasn't surprising. Both appeared to have a similar sense of " I don't care about authority" and "it's fun to mess with Carth and Bastila". And both were very good at it.
The little Twilek didn't give up in persisting him. She began, "You know, you weren't very nice to her." He suppressed rolling his eyes, but kept on walking. "What am I supposed I do about that, Mission?" "Apologize," she stated simply. He stopped and turned to her, flashing her an incredulous look. "Why?" Mission looked at him, clearly wondering if he was being serious. "Because you like her and this isn't the way to get her to like you." Everything seemed to stop right then. How did she- He didn't-
"What?" He asked dumbly. Mission placed her gloved hands on her hips. Carth, who felt as if being scolded, put most of his effort into not allowing anything to show. She couldn't know- wait. Know what? He didn't- He wasn't some teenager anymore. Though force he felt like one.
Carth upon first hearing Aria's voice over the com had been intriguing. She had a way of speaking...it was very identifiable. Commanding. Sure. Soothing. Upon first really seeing her awake on Taris, he had certainly taken in the fact that she was...very feminine. High cheek bones, piercing eyes, curves, long legs, and- He shook his head and realized Mission was smirking at him. "You were thinking about her, weren't you?" She teased. He immediately got defensive- a poor strategy. "No, I wasn't. Mission what do you want from me?" "I want you to apologize." They glared at each other. Carth, a renowned Republic pilot and Mission, a snarky teenage Twilek. What was happening to him?
He sighed, and rubbed his temples. She made a reasonable case. And although he wasn't sure how he felt about Aria, he was sure that he didn't want to be on her bad side. The woman knew how to wield a vibroblade with deadly precision. "Fine. I'll say sorry, but only to get you off my back." Mission accepted that as a reasonable alibi and walked off. He watched her as she strode away, then went to find Aria.
         He found her in the cargo hold, practicing with her staff. Practicing...harshly. He could see the sweat already gleaming on her skin. She had gone so far as to discard her shirt, settling for training in a sports bra. He swallowed, but didn't say anything as she went through a series of deadly maneuvers with the staff.
The way she utilized her weapons, weapons of all sorts, made him wonder how she had just been a smuggler before being compelled into joining the Republic. There was no way a run-of-the-mill spacer could move like that, look like that. It just didn't make sense...and now they learned that she was force sensitive. A fact that had eluded even herself. It was odd, but then again, so was fate.
Aria stepped and struck, the weapon seeming apart of her instead of just an extension. Her body arched with grace, her tight pants accentuating her curves, and the lack of shirt showing them. She was a weapon, Aria was. Her body was a weapon. It made him feel more or less self conscious about himself. She was perfection...perfection plus a bold, cocky, sarcastic, and surprisingly compassionate disposition. She was nothing like him and by far too good for him. But it didn't stop him from looking at her occasionally. After all, he was a man. He had a right to realize when a particular woman was beyond the normal (in more ways than one).
    On Taris, they had fought. Fought and...and bonded. He had saved her life, and she had returned the favor. He would be a fool to ignore that. She had more than earned his trust and more importantly, his tolerance. But still...it couldn't hurt to watch for a little.
Leaning against the doorway, Carth watched Aria take out her excess anger through fighting the air. He supposed this was, in hindsight, a wiser strategy than confronting her only mere minutes after their argument. He had forgotten what exactly said argument was about. He guess it was something along the lines that she had said something then he offended her or made her mad, and Aria Star has a temper. One rivaling his own. So naturally, they had entered a quarrel. But he didn't want that to be the case. Even if they probably were going to be separated in a few days. Because once they got to Dantooine, Bastila would be returned to the council, he assigned a new mission, Canderous the Mandalorian would go somewhere for work, Zaalbar would follow Mission, Mission would be Mission, and Aria...Well, he didn't quite know what she was planning, or even if she had a choice. On the slight chance the Jedi decided to train her, she would no doubt be made to train as a Jedi. And if not she would still have to serve the Republic if she wanted to get rid of her sentence for smuggling contraband and killing anyone who got in her way while doing it.
Carth observed the woman for minutes longer, until she finally came to a stop. Breathing hard, Aria placed the staff down, then turned to reach for her shirt. His brows raised as she bent over, picking up the shirt to wipe away the sweat covering her. No, he thought, and started to back away. He shouldn't be thinking this. Ogling her like this. He couldn't get involved with another woman, much less want to. That was wrong. It-
"Flyguy?" She asked almost incredulously before he could turn tail and run. Sighing, Carth shook his head and silently cursed himself. "Must you call me that?" He inquired of her, stepping into the room. Aria eyed him wearily as he did so.
"You give me nicknames. It's only fair," she said with a shrug. He tried not to notice how smooth and soft her skin looked as he approached her. "Yes," he agreed, "but those nicknames are actually nice." She gave him a look. "It's only nice if you mean them, Onasi," she spoke with a tight smile. He held her still fiery gaze. "I do mean them, beautiful," he said softly. Aria did a double take, blinking as she did. "What did you say?" Shaking his head, the pilot regained his control. They shouldn't be doing this now. How long had he known her? Not long, even if it felt like a decade. "Never mind. Drop it." She rolled her eyes and dropped her shirt to the floor. A confused expression passed over his face, then annoyance. "Not what I meant." Placing her hands on hips, Aria raised her brows at him. She pried, "Well what did you mean?" Was she trying to fight him? Stupid question. The answer was yes.
"Can we not do this again?" He asked of the woman. Aria seemed to consider, until she shook her head. "Nope. Let's do this again." He gave her a flat stare. A stare to which, she mimicked. He had to give it to her, it wasn't bad.
    "Stop that," he said.
"Stop that," she mocked. Carth breathed deeply, clenching and unclenching his fists. He closed his eyes, but was well aware when Aria took a few steps closer to him. Heat rolled off her body in waves. Heat he wanted to get closer to despite his better judgement. In a sultry voice border-lining on seductive, Aria spoke sweetly, "Would you say that our arguments...excite you, Carth?" His eyes snapped open at to what she suggested. "What?" Was the first word that came out of his mouth. He looked at Aria, only to find her not even a foot away wearing a small smirk.
    "I was just thinking," she started and lifted her hand to pick some invisible flecks of dust from his jacket. He resisted from shivering. She wasn't even touching him and she had this affect. Perhaps it had to do something with the force...or maybe she was just that good with talking. "You and I keep fighting. It would stop if you left me alone, but yet you persist on trying to talk to me. You let me talk to you. I've been wondering why." The flirtation, though still there, wasn't nearly as prominent in the last verse of her spoken song. Carth blinked at her, utterly lost in thought. Lost for words. Especially as that hand rested itself on his chest. He found himself drifting closer, eyes flicking to her soft looking lips.
    His hand found itself on her hip, and he didn't mind the sweat on her skin as they came close enough so that there was only an inch of space between them. His calloused hand slid across her back, eliciting a shudder from Aria. She arched into him, looking up as she did so. "Why?" She asked, genuinely curious. It was as if she wasn't a few centimeters from him with the way she asked that. "Because..." he started, but soon forgot where he was going with that. He didn't know. He didn't know what he was doing. Not with her.
    Aria made him lose control. Lose control over everything. His emotions, his actions, his words, his thoughts...she set him off kilter. But that didn't seem like such a bad thing. After all, with his hand on her lower back and her fingers toying with his hair, he never felt so light hearted. So unpressured. He looked into her golden-evergreen eyes. "Well?" She asked, her breath mingling with his. Stupidly, his only response was, "Uhh....I don't-" He couldn't finish his "sentence", as he was cut off by the speakers in the Ebon Hawk. A gruff voice said over the com, "Carth get your ass in here. We're approaching Dantooine." Kriff, he hated Canderous. Hated him not jut because of what he had done during the Mandalorian Wars, but also because of the way he spoke about and looked at Aria. He was older than both of them, and still had the audacity to look at the ex-smuggler with barley contained desire. At least he kept his inappropriate comments to himself...for the most part.
      "You heard the man, Flyguy," Aria spoke as she pulled away from him. Immediately, Carth felt cold. He looked at the woman for a few moments before her words finally made sense. "Right," he said. "Good point. I'll just- I'll go." She smiled at him. A smile that warmed his heart to- no, that was cheesy. Way too cheesy. But he supposed that, as he walked away from brunette woman, perhaps what was cheesy, was what was true.

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