Chapter 40: A Small Argument

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"Yes father! I can expl-"

"You can't love him! You're supposed to be with another fire elemental! Not with a skeleton! You literally chose one of the rarest worst options!" His Father argued furiously.

"But father! I love him and nothing will change that!"

"Son, this bloodline has been pure for as long as I can remember! Why would you intermingle our pure bloodline with a skeleton! Plus, they're weird! They make sacrifices for their own benefits and-"

"Sans is nothing like that-"

"See? What type of name is 'Sans'! Let me guess, Comic Sans is his whole first name. Ha! Classic! Choose the worst font in history for one of the worst type of monster race-"

"-Father! Stop. Now. You will have accept Sans wether you like it or not because I will not leave him due to your disapproval. I love him. Give him a chance!" Grillby roared.

Grillby's father groaned with frustration.

"You were always so stubborn... Fine! I'll give him a chance, but you'll see how I was right all along. Trust me when I say this, skeletons are almost extinct for a reason."

Grillby sighed and pushed his flames back out of his face.

"Thank you" he exasperated.

"You better be prepared. We shall have dinner together tomorrow... with-ugh- Sans, was it? Anyway, he better be ready to meet me. If you chose him out of all monsters, I have very high expectations." His Father advised.

Grillby didn't respond asides from a scoff.

"I'm not liking this attitude from you, young man. Ever since you left with your uncle to Snowdin for that week years ago, you've changed."

"Or maybe it was just me who decided to stop being the manipulated perfect child, father. As much as I appreciate you trying to look out for me, I am a grown up and I can take care of myself. And that includes with me making my own decisions."

"Son, please. You're not thinking straight. You're breaking our family tradition!"

"I don't care about tradition!" Grillby shouted.

"grillby? babe, who's on the phone?" A tired voice from behind asked.

Grillby turned around faster than a flash, and realized he'd woken Sans up.

"Sorry baby, go back to sleep. It's no one you should have to worry about for now." Grillby's voice softened.

"but you sounded furious. is something wrong?" Sans yawned, leaning on the hallway's wall for support.

"Night father" Grillby whispered into the phone before hanging up.


"Sans... Sorry if I woke you up..." Grillby apologized, putting his phone in his pocket and making his way to his still half asleep boyfriend.

"eh... it's ok. you didn't mean to do so." Sans assured.

Grillby sighed, almost in a sad way, and sat on the couch, putting his hands over his face.

Sans took a seat beside and hugged him.

"whatever it was, everything is gonna be alright, okay?" Sans said, his short arms still wrapped around Grillby's torso.

Grillby returned the hug and cuddled next to Sans.

"Yeah... I know..."

There was a deadly quiet for a few minutes before Sans couldn't keep the questions any longer.

"grillbz, could you tell me what's wrong? what happened? who was it?" Sans interrogated.

Grillby felt a bit of hesitance to speak up, but knew he had to do it, it was the right thing.

"My father... I told him about us... H-he didn't like the fact that you were a skeleton because it isn't right to him because of a stupid tradition he so strongly keeps. He's coming tomorrow for dinner, but that still doesn't change the f-fact he disapproves y-you..." Grillby's voice quivered, almost on the verge of tears.

Sans couldn't help but to feel guilty, his self loathing thoughts only beginning to rise.

Sans hugged Grillby tighter, and massaged his back.

"he'll come to accept me in a future. no one can disapprove someone forever." Sans consoled, attempting to be optimistic as much as possible.

Grillby took deep breaths.

'Control yourself, Grillby. Don't let it get to you' He mentally calmed himself down.

Being a fire elemental required much body and emotional control, a lot.

Grillby sat up and looked at Sans, a warm, more optimistic smile on his face.

"You're right... again..." He laughed nervously.

"let's go to bed, grillby. tomorrow is gonna be another day." He winked, taking Grillby's hand and guiding him to the room.

Grillby nodded and laid on the bed with Sans close aside.

Sans turned his body around to face Grillby, and just stared at him with his usual cheeky smile.

"What do you want?" Grillby chuckled.

"kiss kiss" He responded in a high pitched, childish tone.

Grillby rolled his eyes and leaned down to kiss Sans, pulling him into a long make up session unexpectedly.

"well that was definitely more than what i asked for." Sans commented.

"Sorry... I just really needed it at the moment." Grillby apologized.

"it's okay. i love it when you do that." Sans said.

"Love it when I do what?" Grillby asked confounded.

"when you kiss me." Sans smirked.

Grillby laughed.

"Same here, babe."

There was a small gap of silence once again.

"alphys the other day, gave me a job application to work in the lab with her. she said they needed more help there since some employees had gotten fired for attempting to steal some chemicals or something."

"Really? Oh I'm so happy for you! You should take it!" Grillby congratulated.

"but that would mean i get to see you less..." Sans noted.

"Eh... You're correct, however, you'd be getting a higher pay for doing something you enjoy! Didn't you say you love science a while back?" Grillby recalled.

"i do... but.... what about you?" Sans asked.

"I'll be fine. Plus! I'll be able to see you at least once a day!" Grillby assured.

Sans bit his lip and sighed.

"i just need to think about it..." He said.

"Okay, take your time needed..."

So guys.... I'm done with this chapter! And guess what? I got bit by a damn spider yesterday. My arm fucking hurts bruh! Ow. Now I feel horrifyingly sick!!!!

Anyway, leaving comments could always change my day to better.

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