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"Assalamu alaykum."

The head of security team greeted and the ceo raised his head up, from where he was sitting at his desk in the office, working on his computer, to look at the man who dared disturb him when he was working on an important assignment.

"Wa alaykumus Salam. What do you want? Speak up and leave, I am very busy right now."

"S-sir, he escaped",

The man stuttered and the CEO peered at him through narrow eyes, his nose flared, his face a scarlet shade and eyes wide with rage.

"He did what?!"

The man in the expensive suit yelled in fury and the security officer just trembled.

"Sir, we were taking him to the underground and he punched Saber and caught us off guard then he ran away. We chased after him but he was no where to be found. He just vanished into thin air."

He explained and the boss gritted his teeth and fisted his hand. Then he pounded on the desk making the whole wooden thing to shake and spill his long forgotten coffee.

"How the heck can 25 men lose a single, tiny rat?! How dare you come back to me with such absurdity? Find him and don't step foot in this place till he is secured underground or you are fired! Get out now!"

He barked practically almost close to exploding and the poor man rushed out of the office to avoid facing his enraged boss.

The boss sighed and tried to calm himself down by taking deep breaths and exhaling slowly.

He calmed down completely after a few minutes and went back to typing furiously on his computer.

'Ring, ring, ring!'

His phone cried out making him to sigh and hiss in frustration reached his hand over to pick up his phone and placed it to his ear.

"What?! Oh so help you, Usman! It should be good news or you are dead meat for disrupting me!"

He fumed angrily at the man on the other end of the line. The man, Usman simply gulped and proceeded to speak.

"Sir, we have found her."

He replied a little relieved when he heard his boss sigh.


He asked impatiently and he knew the lack of patience was evident in his voice.

"She is the daughter of Mr. Sultan Imran, the secretary. Her name is Afni Imran."

The man answered timidly and the boss smirked, happy that someone finally had something worth sharing.

"Forget this work, call the men, let's pay Mr. Sultan a nice visit."

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