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Molly arrived only 5 minutes after Samuel went to go look for her , she was carrying a towel, the towel was surrounded by a bubble of air . And on her shoulder she had a green bag , it looked like it was about to explode because of all the items stuffed in her bag.

Molly threw the towel at Tom and sat on the rock near me. She put away a strand of hair away from her face.

She put her green bag beside her and started looking for something , probably her phone.

"Hi Serena how was living as a human ?" Molly said , not facing me as she was putting objects out of her bag. Why would someone need a wooden hand in their bag ? I mean , she doesn't even wear nail varnish and she doesn't wear or make any jewellery .

"It was alright but I have tried singing and I do think that it has some effect to humans." I replied .

She then was silent and started looking through the green bag. After putting a small globe out of her green bag she found her phone .

Tom was just there watching us in a bit of confusion. He probably did not know if he should trust us. Mermaids , he probably never saw one of us before and had only heard stories about us.

Molly pressed a few random buttons and then gave the phone to me , the phone made a ringing noise and then a voice spoke on the other side.

"Hello , who is this?" The voice was a male voice , was this a bodyguard?

"It's me , Serena .I just want to speak with Madame Mouspell please ."I said .While I said that Tom looked at me a bit surprised, he probably knew of Madame Mouspell but did not know that I had ever met her.

"Oh I did not realize it was you wait one minute ."

After one minute of waiting I hear the voice of Madame Mouspell. Wait I could say something to do with the plan , I can't.

I look at Molly and she probably knew what I was going to do or was about to tell me. I jumped into the water, the blue , clear , sparkling water surrounding me. I start to swim down to the bottom of the sea , I have not been much at this place at daylight , I always went at sunset , I was not allowed to come here , "it is far too dangerous for a young girl like you " both of my parents answered when I would ask if I could go.I think that whenever they said those words they forgot that I knew self defense and how to camouflage and that I was a mermaid.

I then lied flat on my back on the sand , beside me were a few seaweeds.

I looked about but saw no other mermaid swimming about. Why was Samuel so near the coast anyway at daytime ? Well I will probably ask him later.

"I am back Madame Mouspell." I said after checking that no one was near me and able to hear me.

" Hello , so I have not had much time and I am sorry but I can not go and meet you personally , what has happened to make you phone me ?" She asked.

After explaining everything that had happened she was silent for a few minutes.

"Well I am looking at the spell book and I do see this "Extra: The creature that has been given this spell they will become human but if the person is extremely emotional or thinks that they should turn into their old creature form is very important then they will change into a their original form."

Oh so could I just fix this myself. I look at me tail and imagine me legs , after 10 seconds a few of my mermaid scales had disappeared and I was turning into a human. I then stopped consecrating and my tail came back.

"Oh as well I want to give you a gift , you will receive it tomorrow. Do not forget to keep me updated."

The phone went off. Well at least I learned something new today. I looked up at the rock. I wonder what Tom and Molly are talking about. I then start swimming upwards.

I swam to the rock and sat on top of it.

"Everything alright ?" Molly asked.

"Yes , it got fixed."

I look at Tom and he has a towel wrapped around him.

"So are you in a pack or are you like a lone wolf?" I asked. He did not look like a rouge so I think that was out of the question.

"I am in a pack. I'm going to be an Alpha in the future. My dad is one now , I know I don't look like a son of an Alpha but I am. He replied.

"So have you turned into a wolf?" I asked.

"No not yet , even though a few of my friends have , I'll probably turn into a wolf in a few days , weeks I don't know ." He replied.

"We should probably be going back to the shore before your friends get worried." I then smelled the air and smelt the smell of wet dog , well that is probably the person right beside . I smell the sea around me and smell that no other person who is not a mermaid was in the sea , at least they were all safe.

I jumped into the water , well I tried , I ended up diving. Tom dove into the water gracefully.

"So lets go ."

"What about you , your tail." He asked.

"It's fine lets just go." I said. He then whipped his blonde hair away from his brown eyes .

We then started swimming, the waves had calmed down a lot. After swimming for a bit I saw him slowing down a bit.

"You alright ?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm doing fine , I've swam so much farther than this."

"Okay well I think that a wave is coming so I'll drag you through it okay ."

Before he had could get the chance of saying anything else I grabbed one of his arms and put me hand behind his head so I wouldn't break it accidentally and I swam quickly , if anyone saw they probably would think it was just a quick shadow or bubbles.

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