⚜️Valentine's day, Undertale x depressed!Reader⚜️

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Requested by 212121li

WARNING! This talks about self harm. If don't want to read this, I'll do a warning before and after the part. Thanks.



Author's POV

Today was Valentine's day, and you we're excited. You woke up to your alarm, and checked the time. 6:15. You quickly got dressed in a red and white knee length dress covered in a red sweater, with red sandals. You put your hair up in Fh/s (favorite hair style)

You twirled around in the mirror, and walked outside, then started walking to where you worked, the flower shop

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You twirled around in the mirror, and walked outside, then started walking to where you worked, the flower shop.

Once you got there, there was a huge line of monsters and humans alike. You quickly took the back route, and saw your co worker, Scarlett. (sorry if your name is Scarlett . If it is, change the name to Kalyn.)

"Hey Scar. What's up?" She turned around from the lilacs she was pruning.

"Y/n! There you are! We need to open the shop in a few minutes you ready?!" Scarlett was as almost excited as you were for Valentine's Day.

You quietly chucked. "Ready as I'll ever be. Do we have enough roses this year?" Scarlett rolled her eyes and smiled. Last year, both of you ran out of red roses, so you started painting the other color roses red, and Scarlett was trying to make fake roses for everyone. It was chaotic.

"Of course we have enough roses! I made sure to get 300 more than last year, and extra red paint and paper. Now hurry! Open the door before it breaks down!" She shooed you with her hands, as if it would make you go faster.

"I'm going I'm going! Don't get yourself tied in a knot!" You both laughed as you opened the door and put the. Biggest smile on. "Welcome to Ebbot Flower Garden! Happy Valentine's Day everyone!"

You quickly walked over to the counter and stood behind it while monsters and humans filled the shop, looking for flowers. The shop was all decorated in red and pink hearts, with an occasional Cupid hanging from the ceiling.

Scarlett walked up next to you. "Wow boss sure did the decorating to a max this year." You chuckled. "How are you sure boss did it instead of last year where his daughter did it?" Both of you quietly laughed, remembering the mess of pink, red, and white glitter all over the floor last year, and how you both had to clean it up in thirty minutes. When you went home you had glitter in your hair for a week. Sans wouldn't stop messing with you about it.

"Excuse me, can one of you help me pick a flower? It's for my sister." There was a small boy, around the age of nine, with a blob of brown hair and bright green eyes. Scarlett looked like she just wanted to hug the life out of this child.

AU!Sans x Reader Holiday one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now