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Honestly, of all things to hear when you’re alone in the second story of a large house. All I could do was freeze in place. I’m not used to hearing something like that, so what was I supposed to do? At first I thought it was the floor, since it was wood it probably creaked, but when I took a few steps forward and backwards to make sure, I heard nothing come from under my feet. 


I turned around to see Zac standing by the bend looking at me quite fixedly.

“Oh, Zac!” I said, my heart skipped a few beats and uncertainty took me over, but I tried to keep my composure. “Is lunch ready?” I asked, half relieved that it was him yet...not.

He didn’t say anything but just stared, and that was when I noticed his eyes. They had changed colours. They were red, just blatant red…and his pupils were not…uh...


Red eyes with diamond pupils, the eyes that resembled that of a cat’s…I knew that the eye colour was new but were his pupils always that way? No…I don’t think so, right?

To be honest, I really didn’t remember. His pupils never stood out to me and it’s not really something that you would look at, but…for the longest time his eyes were the one thing that lured me in so I am surprised to have not noticed before.

Thoughts like that quickly ran through my head until finally I felt the feeling of unease. I felt unsafe, and it was then that Zac started walking up to me at such a quick pace that I felt like he was going to attack me. He had this demented grin on his face and well, I always thought his teeth were sharp…


He was less than five feet away from me when I managed to choke out his name.

“Z-Zac!?” My voice was held hostage by fear, confusion, and alarm, but as stricken as it was, it made him stop walking instantly. He abruptly lowered his head and held his hands to his temples. I backed away, not sure what to make from all of this.

Then I heard him groan and for a moment I could feel a sense of vulnerability coming from him. He slowly looked back up at me, lowering his hands.

His eyes were green again.

“Amy,” he said my name quietly and managed a small smile. “I don’t feel too good, is it okay if I ask you to leave?”

“…o-oh, it’s fine, sure!” I kind of stood there, not sure to walk past him or not. But he decided for me when he held his hand out, wanting me to take it.

“Come on,” he said. “I don’t feel well, I apologise.”

All I could do was take his hand.


Before I knew it, I was practically kicked out of his house.

He wanted me to leave and he told me to go home…I tried to tell him that I left my photo album on his table, but I never got the words out before he shut the door in my face. I did his request honour, however, and I trudged back to my car in the snow as confused as ever.

All of my concentration for class was lost to thinking about Zac and of what had happened…the amount of force he had used on me when he pulled me down the stairs, when he dragged me through his living room and pushed me out his door. It happened so fast, as if he was urgently trying to get me to leave, to get away from something.

That event, needless to say, frightened me and I know for a fact now that Zac is not human. I had had my suspicions before, but his red eyes and completely different (and might I said, scary) personality change had confirmed it.

There were other things too, that helped me to back up my claim that he was not a human.

His skin.

His skin was warm, too warm. I had ignored it before, or tried to find excuses as an explanation. When he shook my hand for the first time I thought that it was warm because he was just holding my soup bowl recently.

When we were outside and he grabbed my arm and I held onto his, I thought it was warm because I was outside in the cold. But I cannot deny the fact that when he held my hand in his house yesterday…his skin was so hot I thought I had pressed my hand against a furnace.

I didn’t say anything, but trust me, I wanted nothing more than to pull my hand away from the overwhelming heat that radiated off of him.

Not just the skin, but the fact that he can come up behind me without me hearing or noticing. It was all fun and games until yesterday. I’m not clueless and I have good hearing. I know when someone is behind me; I can tell if there is someone standing directly behind me. But with him, it’s as if he’s a cat.

Yesterday, I would have been able to hear him if he had really followed me up the stairs. The floors creaked. Not just one spot, most if not all of it did—and the stairs did the loudest. Why would I have not been able to hear him then?

And who can forget the growling? I’m pretty sure that came from him. That's just weird, sorry.

After putting all of that together, I just have to think, why did I hang out with him so much? If he was that bizarre, that weird, why would I willingly let myself return to him every day?

I don’t know.

There was just something about this man that overwhelmingly attracted me to him; lured me in to him, made me want to return and made me want to be near him. I cannot tear him away from my mind no matter how hard I try and I even dream about him. Zac made me feel safe and he made me feel endangered all at the same time, but I was okay with that because I wanted to be his friend.

I still want to be his friend. So I must figure out what he is, I need to know. I already have a list of things that I can use for research. …I don’t believe in this, and I can’t believe I am actually in this situation, but if this is really a supernatural entity that I am dealing with I want to know what kind and what danger if can bring me.

…but there will be no danger. 

This is Zac and I trust him. He will never hurt me, not if he is really the kind and gentle person that I know him to be. I hope that the trust I have found in him is not to be a lie if in the end he really something that is not human.

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