Ch.6 Retrograde amnesia fights back

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I woke up one morning lying in a hospital bed with tubes in my nose and a pulse reader on my index finger. My heart raced, and my head started to pound. The machine to the left of me beeped at an alarming enough rate that a nurse ran to the door, but it didn't open. He was holding it shut. When did he leave my body? My body hurts. I look down at the Bandages, the slip of cloth over my chest. This really hurts. I don't think I was thinking. Shit.When my heart rate began to descend the nurses shadow began to fade away from the door, I guess they don't give a fuck.I try to sit up with every will and strength i had left and sure enough I guess I made enough noise that I woke my dad up cause he came rushing over to me tell me to lay down.

"No,you have to lay down.Do you wanna bleed out to death?!"

What is going on in this guys head,he must think that the doctors haven't done a good job stitching me.No that's not it he's afraid I'm gonna make the same mistake again.Even though I did it for my safety he doesn't know why.

"Dad you don't have to worry about me.Look at me i'm fine.The nurses stitched me up WAY to tight in my opinion."

He started to laugh at my joke and the tension in the room seemed to lift a little.

"Dad I know you're worried about me, you leave my place and two days later I end up in the hospital."

"Yes i'm worried bout you,but it's not because you're in the hospital.I'm worried because of why you ended up in the hospital.You were unconsious for a month not two days."

I looked at him in utter confusion,a month I've been here for a month.I stare at him for a couple seconds and began to cry silently and my dad just leaned over the bed and hugged me,but not for long because the nurse came in with my lunch and bent down and asked me if I was in pain and I just shook my head no. She looked at my dad and asked to talk to him in the hallway. As she walked out he stood up and ruffled my hair causing me to laugh a little and slow my crying and raising heart rate or blood pressure I don't know because I don't know how to read the monitor.Before I knew it I passed out on the bed and never noticed my dad came in or left for home to get ready for work and the upcoming weekend. The nurse came in on a daily basis to check on me,but really didn't have to do much because I was asleep majority of it and they said it was normal since i was healing up and all.Problem is I feel like my energy was just being drained just by opening my eyes and I think I know why.

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