Chapter 2- David Dale sees the Unexpected.

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After eating the buffalo, David Dale felt a bit queasy. He decided to stop at SpaceDollars, a popular coffee shop in the ETHEREAL. He had some soup, because in his opinion, the coffee at SpaceDollars was far too expensive. David Dale felt enlightenment. Rosie had a dog yoghurt, which tasted a bit like strawberry ice-cream.

They bobbed through the ETHEREAL, until a new hole opened.

"The ETHEREAL mourns your exit."

When David Dale came out on the other side, a steely grimace spread across his face. It looked like his hometown of Lusspet, but it wasn't. All the houses, the streets, and the town were empty. The shops, bus station and café were deserted. He decided that seen as nothing was happening, he'd take a drive out into the countryside.

He drove for a bit, with Rosie snoozing happily beside him, until he came into his beloved River Region. David Dale and his family had stayed there many times.

Suddenly, he saw a van and some people stood around a dark object. He flew down to investigate. He thought to himself, maybe these people are dangerous, and kept him distance.

-What will David Dale get up to next time? Read on to find out-

He landed in a clearing a few hundred yards away from the van. He got out, locking Rosie in to keep her safe, and stepped closer. Using the trees as cover, he was able to listen into the conversation. And it was his daughter Hobbit. And her friends. Stood around something that looked like a body. Not neato. A steely grimace crossed his face. Rosie barked a few times to tell David Dale that the car was ready to go and as he turned around, he walked into a tree. That triggered a loud bang, and the entire group to spin round. IT WAS HOBBIT. OOOOOH NUH-UH HE WAS MAD.

But before he could confront her, the car began to float and he had to go and rescue Rosie, and fly away. He was still mad though.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2017 ⏰

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