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Simon: Have you seen Channy?

Bodil: Dude, were you two dating?!

Simon: That would be called incest because I'm 19 duh

Adi: You sound like her :/

Me: Biches I'm back! Who was looking for me?

Double: Simon

Me: -facepalm- I just ate a wonderful dinner! (Rice... As usual xD I never get tired of eating it xD)

Simon: I need your help bro!

Adi: I just hope not something dirty

Everyone but Adi: ADI!

Adi: What? Got a problem with me being the oldest one around (She's 24 or 25 I think?) (Let me explain I wasn't stalking)

Bonks: No. The youngest one around is 14

Bodil: Show some corncern for once!

Simon: I seriously need help. She's good at these

Me: What?

Simon: Can you define this complicated science term? (@SilverEnder Remember Skype?)

Me: -le explaination-

Simon: Oh okay

Me: Double, were you typing titles again?!

Double: -points at Bodil- HE DID!

Bodil: I did because I saw you eating rice while typing a oneshit

Steven: I hope its not a Slamadro

Me: In your dreams xD

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