×Chapter 6| Let The Prank Wars... Begin!×

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3rd POV

After finishing and planning their pranks and what to do, they collapsed in their bed feeling tired and stared at the ceiling. "Tomorrow is gonna be an interesting day." Miku did the "Hm" sound as she nodded and smiled.

Mika's eyes flashed open on what she remembers. "Miku! Miku! Wake up! Today is the day!!" Mika shook her twin, excitedly then Miku's eyes flashed open too. "Come on! Hurry up!" The older twin grabbed her younger twin's hand and ran to the bathroom as quickly as they can.

The two of them bathed together and quickly fix their selves.

"Miku! Put all our prank stuffs except for the hand buzzer in my bag while I put the costume in your bag! The plan is already in my notebook so all we have to do is ready ourselves!" The twins fastly put the prank stuffs and the costume in each other's bag. You could say that they are excited to troll the twins unnoticed because they are a 100% troll master and a badass ninjas. They wore the hand buzzer and slides downstairs while holding their bags.

After they finished eating, they both throw themselves inside the limo. "This is gonna be an exciting day for us!"

Once they arrived the school, Mika and Miku walked calmly, not trying to make other people catch their attentions on why are they such in a hurry. The mischievous Himitsu Twins walked in their classroom and put their bags down in their desk then stared at the Hitachiin Twins with an evil grin, whom is laughing and joking around.

"Hello Hikaru Hitachiin and Kaoru Hitachiin." Mika and Miku crossed their arms as the other twins caught their attention. "Oh hello. Didn't see you two there." This is an ULTIMATE PRANK WARS between the two mischievous twins. "Good luck winning the war." The Himistu Twins reached out their hands without the Hitachiin Twins noticing that there was an hand buzzer on the twins' hands. As the ginger heads hold the milk heads' hands, their whole body got shocked and their expression was FREAKING PRICELESS!

Mika and Miku laughed and sat down at their desk while feeling satisfied.

*~Lunch Time~*

The white haired twins took off their hand buzzer and wore the fake plastic hand quickly before the bell rang.


All of the students fix their selves including the two twins and headed out to have some lunch but..the two stopped walking outside the door and looked at each other competitively. "Starting now, the prank wars has started." Mika declared as she snapped her fingers. "And how about a good luck to win?" Miku winked as she and her twin reached out their hands.

"Sure. Good luck." The Hitachiins and The Himitsu shook hands then when Mika and Miku slide their real hand out while Hikaru and Kaoru stopped and let go. The ginger heads had their eyes widened open as they looked at the fake hands and the milk heads both looked at their "missing hand" fakely in shock. "What the hell?!!!" The orange bunnies freaked out and throw the fake hands. "Ahahaha! I can't believe you fell for that!" The white haired twins laughed and show their real hands whole they stuck a tongue out.

Hikaru and Kaoru glared at the two and walked away. Mika and Miku chuckled and walked in the classroom. "Miku, is the bloody hand paper machete ready?"

"Of course!" The younger twin shoved one paper machete in Kaoru's bag and the other in Hikaru's bag then closed their bags. The twins high five and go to Mika's desk. The older twin flipped the page and read their plan. "Phase one is complete. Time for phase two, set up the rope and camera."

You may not believe but these twins have already figure out what was the other twins' next moves and their pranks and even their plan so they plan everything. Mika and Miku even have back up phases and plans.

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