Chapter Twenty-Four

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Asami's POV

A full week has passed since I took Korra to the hilltop. Our hilltop, as I liked to call it. Every time I think back to that moment, my heart skips a beat, quite literally. It's one of those memories, you cherish so much, you can't forget. 

It's also been a very hectic week, for the both of us. 

Tonraq's trial is today. It's been the talk of the town. People have been spreading the word, just four hours after the court declared it at a private meeting a few days ago. Though no one knows exactly who told everyone else, I wasn't surprised. 

Korra's been trying to contact her mother to try and convince her to drop the case for the last two days. Her mother, of course, ignores and declines her calls and messages. Although I didn't particularly like the man, I trust Korra. I trust her judgment.

I, on the other hand, have been handling personal issues myself. 

My father has been home from his 'business issue'. My mother conveniently left for an emergency in one of her factories in Milan, so she wasn't home to greet him. When the job fell onto me, my father looked run down, as if he had been through a lot the whole time he was gone. Although I wanted to ask about it, I thought it was best to leave it alone. 

"Asami," He calls out. We were at the table having lunch. He glanced up to look at me, as he stirred through his squash and sausage risotto.

"Aren't you friends with that Korra girl?" He took a bite of a sausage slice. 

"Yes, since middle school father," I answered.  

"I've heard of the turmoil her family is in." He stated, keeping his attention on his risotto. "Be careful." He continued. "I don't want you to get involved." 

My grip tightened around the utensils I was holding. How could he say that? My father was always so caring. He loved people around him because he saw the potential they had. He hired those he knew were honest and gave them a future. What happened? Why was he becoming passive about it?

"I'm already involved." I retaliated. "She's my best friend, I can't just leave her." 

My father froze on the spot. She placed his utensils on the table and wiped his mouth with a cloth. 

"Why are you so affected?" He asked, with a serious and low tone. I could tell he was desperately trying to establish authority to me. That was something he had never done before. It made me wonder what possibly could've happened to him during his trip. 

"I've always taught you not to get too emotionally attached. I've trained you to be approachable but not exploitable." He declared. "Why are you warp up about this girl? Who is she to you?" 

Those questions, they bounced around in my head for a while. I love her, that I know for sure. But does she feel the same way? Is she ever gonna see me, as more than her best friend? Will I ever find the right time to tell her? Will I even get the chance to? 

But before I could answer anything, my phone vibrated on the wooden table, causing it to shake viciously. I picked it up, excusing myself from the table.

"Hello?" I answered with a low voice.

"Asami, it's Korra." Her voice echoed through my eardrums, sending shivers down my spine and instantly making my face heat up.

"H-hey, Korra," I stuttered. I cleared my throat, hoping to distract myself from my thoughts. 

"Can you come with me to the courthouse?" She mumbled. Her voice was so soft and fragile. 

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