Chapter 12

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

Beta: Caracac

Warning: Contains blood, gore, sex, possible rape, sword fights, dark shit you will never be unseen, demons, angels, witches, wizards, medieval crap, and finally pure unadulterated badassery.


Puppet class was...odd. Basically the teacher just gave us theories on how puppets can be used and how to make them move properly. Over half the time I spent in that class was always about materials you would need or could use in puppets to make them for different uses. Such as a puppet that was a spy or a puppet that was a caster for a barrier. All of the interested me so I paid a lot of an attention in that class.

Martial arts was very hard to get used to, it was like the warrior class but different in a way. In this class they focused on fist fighting and spirit techniques. You might think that is a joke buy you would be wrong, they do use their soul in a lot of things. They even teach you how use it in battle, unfortunately our class it not a high enough level to use such techniques so we focused on fighting with our fist.

Finally the last two which were healer and wizard, although I thought I was going to learn a lot turns out most spells for those classes are taught after the first two years. This was mostly for the wizard class since they wanted a wizard to focus on their element or expertise. Healers how did teach me one skill and that was the basic cure skill which was okay for the most part.

All in all this time I spent here molded me into one of the best students in the school. Complete with simple homework quest that I would sometimes earn points to spend. But being the best was never always good and as my second year started up I would soon learn why.



"Perseus can you please answer the question." Said a voice as I snorted loudly and then slowly opened my eyes as I had to blink a few times as I slowly woke up. As I woke up I quickly found myself in my succubus species class as I wiped my lip of some stray drool.

"What?" I asked as most of the female succubae in the class all snickered as I was awoken from my nap. All of them wearing slightly revealing armor and clothes, due to school police there was a limit to how slutty a succubus could dress during class. While I did enjoy the view I couldn't say I was attracted to them as much as I was the tiny green fairy that was also sleeping on my desk.

"I said answer the question Mr. Jackson." He said in a monotone voice as he was so used to me falling asleep that it was normal at this point.

"What's the question?" I asked him as he sighed.

"If member in your party is poisoned by a demented succubus then what can you do to prevent the spread of poison and effectively cure it?" He asked me as I yawned a little. If you were wondering a demented succubus was basically a monster in the form of a succubus. Many species of monsters appeared in the dungeons and some of which were relatives to the intelligent species on this earth.

The only difference however was that any species that was demented had a distinct red aura around them. This way you could tell them apart from party members who were of the same species. I once asked Zoe about it and she told me that long ago a great wizard about 70 thousand years ago took a couple hundred of the demented species and bestowed upon them knowledge of humanity. So you could say all those demented species were all the ancestors of any non-human counterparts.

"Don't you need...5 leaves mist grass, 3 stacks of winter snow leaves, and 4 drops of succubus blood? Just mix them together in a pot, bring it to a boil, and then apply generously to poisoned area and you are done?" I asked him.

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