Chapter 5

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"Well, at least we have the city lights outside," Natasha said, digging her phone out of her pocket.

"I'm sure the power will be back on in a few minutes," Steve assured.

"Yeah, I'm sure you're right," she sighed.

"Anything wrong, Nat?" he asked.

"I'm just tired, I was about to get ready for bed," she said. "I know... it's early... that's like old lady early but, I'm just tired tonight."

"Why don't we sit down then?" he asked.

"Okay," she said, sliding down the wall.

Steve moved next to her so she could lean on him. "Might as well be comfortable... you know, I'm going to call Sam." Steve dialed Sam on his phone and there was no answer.

"Sam, it's Steve... Nat and I are stuck in the elevator, if you get this... we could use some help. Call me back, thanks."

"I'll try Bucky," he said. Again, no answer.

"Buck, it's Steve. Nat and I are stuck in the elevator, call me back."

Natasha yawned, "That's odd. Let me call Clint back." No answer. "Okay, now I know something's up... Clint, it's Nat. You had better call me back PRONTO." She looked at Steve. "This was no accident."

"Yeah... I know," he said softly. "I think they're, uhhh... trying to get us together," Steve said somewhat nervously.

"Oh, for sure," she said. There was no question in her voice.

"You knew?" he asked.

"Oh... well, Wanda stopped by today and then, you know... this. Just putting two and two together."

"Knocking me into you at practice today, that was part of their great plan," he laughed. "They're like a bunch of immature kids."

She tilted her head, "I guess it's nice that they care. Sometimes people see things that you don't."

Steve was surprised to hear her say this and started wondering if she would actually entertain the idea of a relationship with him.

"Yeah, but, I mean, we're good friends..." he said, as if it shut the whole idea down.

"You're probably my best friend," she said, watching his face. She reached over and put her hand on his.

"That's how I feel about you," he said slowly as he turned his palm up inside her hand and laced his fingers through hers.

"It's a good way to start..." she said, looking at him for a reaction.

"It would be," he said, letting out a little sigh. "But, you know... being the captain, wouldn't it seem like I was playing favorites? It just doesn't seem fair."

"If they're okay with it, then maybe it's fine," she said, raising an eyebrow at him.

"I wouldn't want to ruin the friendship we have..." he said, looking at her with a sad face.

They sat quietly for a moment, looking at the city lights. Natasha had resolved herself to the fact that the conversation was over and that nothing more was going to come from it. She felt a little disappointment and she started wondering how to move her hand away from his without it being weird.

But before she could move, Steve moved, getting up to crouch on the floor in front of her, facing her. The city lights lit up the soft smile on his face. He reached a hand out to her. "Nat, would you go out to dinner with me tomorrow night?"

"I would love to," she said, accepting his hand.

The Captain Trap (Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff)Where stories live. Discover now