Chapter 20

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I slowly unwrapped myself from around Titus, suddenly embarrassed at the way that I had jumped him. I had never been so forward with him, he'll I had barely touched him since I had known him and the few times I did he initiated it.  He let me slide down his body as if he sensed my discomfort but he kept me close to him with an arm wrapped tightly around my waist.
He turned me to face him and gently tipped my head up so that we were looking at each other.
"How are you feeling?"
I looked up at him in confusion.
"You hit your head and knocked yourself out. Don't you remember?"
A look of concern crossed his face. But the dull throbbing in my head that I had just now noticed reminded me of my moment of clumsiness in my haste earlier today.
Titus ran his hand gently over the bandage over the cut on my head. His hand then traveled gently down and over my neck, a look of anger flashed across his face but was quickly replaced by worry. He knew just how close to death I had come.
"I'm okay." It was barely a whisper but I knew that by the tense nod he gave me that he'd heard.
He looked over my head in the direction of Michael and his father.
"We're leaving."
I was relieved at his statement to say the least. I was ready to leave this place and never come back. I knew that I wasn't wanted here.
I turned at the sound of Alana's voice. I was more than upset with her but she was still my mother and I wanted to hear what she had to say. Unfortunately Titus didn't feel the same.
"There is nothing more for us to discuss."
"But I'm her mother!"
"And I am your king and you would be wise to remember that. Remember the only thing keeping you alive is the fact that you are my mates mother."
He paused and looked around the room.
"The only reason that any of you are alive is because you are her family."
He turned back toward us, grabbed me gently by the arm and went to lead me from the room. But something in me begged to stay, to figure out what is was my mother wanted.
"Wait, I want to kno-"
"Amina now is not the time to suddenly grow a backbone. We're leaving end of discussion, now walk."
For a split second I wanted to disobey but the stern look he sent my way caused me to shiver in fear and comply. I looked down at the ground as his grip on my arm tightened and he led me quickly from the room.
His grip never loosened as we exited the house in silence and he didn't let go until we were in the car and I was sat in the middle of him and Michael. The silence in the car was suffocating and even though I never looked anywhere other than my lap I knew that Titus was livid, I could feel the anger radiating from him. I shifted slightly away from him, closer to Michael but that didn't go without him noticing. He growled lowly and had me on his lap, tightly wrapped in his arms in a flash. I sat rigidly in his lap for the entirety of the silent ride back to his territory.
When we arrived back to his territory the silence that fell over the place was deafening. The usually busy and bustling nature of the packhorse had dwindled down to nothing it was so silent, I'm sure I could hear a pin drop in the next room.
Even when we exited the vehicle, Titus never let me down on my feet. He carried me through the pack house which looked strangely empty, the walls were littered with holes and I knew that they were Titus' doing.
Way to go Amina, you've outdone yourself this time.
I decided to risk taking a peek of his face. His face was hard, unmoving, but I could see the emotions swirling in his eyes. He was relieved, to have me back I hoped but I could also see the rage in his eyes. He was angry with me that much I could tell. If he could feel me looking at him he never let on, he just looked straight ahead as he walked us to our destination.
When we reached the doors that led to his wing of the house he silently opened the doors and revealed the absolutely destroyed apartment. He ignored my surprised gasp and continued toward the bedroom where he dropped me unceremoniously onto the bed. He didn't even spare a glance in my direction as he turned around and made his way out of the room, slamming the door with enough force to shake the walls and I heard the unmistakable clink of a key turning. He'd locked me in.
He was angry with me. It was the only thing that had become more than clear to me in the last week that I had been back. I hadn't had human contact other than one of the pack members opening the door just enough to slide a tray of food through several times a day before quickly closing and locking it back. I sighed I knew I was going to have to be the one to fix this. I was the one that chose to run away although I know I had a good reason. Maybe he would choose to hear me out he clearly had feelings for another woman to the point that he asked for her hand in marriage surely he wouldn't subject me to that amount of torture because even though I didn't fully understand the concept of mates, I knew that being forced to watch him with another woman would be noting less than torture for me. Maybe I should try to escape. I'm not sure where I would go but it would have to be better than here right? I wouldn't have to deal with watching my mate live and love with another woman. Maybe once I get far enough away from him, from all of the mess that is my life I can build a new life for myself far away from those that have hurt me. Don't I deserve that? Don't I deserve at least a little bit of happiness after the hell that I have endured all these years?
Titus' POV

"Titus it's been a week and you haven't said one word to her since we left Blue Dawn."
I sighed at my father's words, annoyed at the fact that everyone suddenly had all this helpful advice for me when it came to my mate.
"I'm not talking about this right now."
I looked back down at the maps on my desk where I was switching out the routes the trackers were running in the search for Tony. That son of a bitch had disappeared without a damn trace and it was frustrating me to no end. I needed him dead I'm tired of him being a threat to my mate.
My mate.
Goddess knows that I'm happy and relieved that she's okay but I can't help the fact that I'm more than pissed at her because she ran away from me. Why would she even begin to think that I would choose another woman over her? She was the one that was meant for me and I would be damned if anyone or anything came between us. I had told her that I loved her, did she not believe me? We're my words not convincing enough?
"Titus you need to set thing straight with her."
I growled low in my chest. I would deal with my mate when I was good and damn ready, and right now I wasn't ready.
"Don't tell me how I should handle my mate. I'm a grown man who can handle things on my own."
"I'm not speaking on something that I don't know anything about son."
I scoffed he and my mom barely ever argued, he was her lap dog and everyone knew it so he was the last one I was willing to take any relationship advice from.
"You can barely keep mom in check so who are you to tell me how to deal with mine."
He sighed. I stole a look at him and it was as if the strong man that I'd known as my father all my life was folding in on himself in what looked like embarrassment and regret. His eyes met mine and he motioned of me to take a seat on the couch near my desk.
"Sit down son."
"Dad I don't have to-"
His emerald green eyes met my blue and his face hardened. Daring me to defy him.
"Sit. Down"
Even though I was the alpha he was still my father and the child in me who knew better than to disobey his father had me dragging my feet to the couch where I sat stiffly. He sat next to me and opened his mouth to speak when he tensed suddenly. He slightly lifted his nose in the air and took a deep sniff. When he looked back his green eyes had gone silver, a sign that his wolf was present.
"Dad what-"
"Go open the door."
His voice was tense and he seemed nervous. I was suspicious but I did as I was told. I opened the door to reveal Ariel who had decided to stick around for a while     As I took her in I noticed that her cerulean blues had gone gold, a color that I had only seen on myself.
She slowly walked in, brushing past me as if in a daze right to my father. I looked on in confusion as my eyes landed on my father's equally dazed expression.
What the hell?
I was more than confused at this interaction between them. I couldn't understand why they were behaving this way. I had introduced them when Ariel first arrived almost a week ago and they hadn't behaved so strangely. What had changed since then? I was brought out of my thoughts by Ariel's soft voice.
"We have to tell him."
I saw my dad tense more if that was possible.
"Ariel, we can't."
"Why not August, I'm tired of holding in this secret. I've missed so much already and there's nothing stopping me now. Please August don't deny me this, I know I've asked a lot of you over the years but please don't deny me this one thing."
I had no idea what they could be talking about but my curiosity was piqued. My father sighed and nodded. He gently led her over to the couch where we were sitting earlier and motioned for me to do the same. I sat cautiously on the sofa, wary of the expressions on their faces.
"Son, there's something we have to tell you but I ask that you don't get angry because there are some things that can't be helped."
It didn't escape me that my father had placed a hand on Ariel's back, to comfort whom I don't know but I chose to not mention it because they both seemed to be in distress about something.
"Titus, honey your father and I ar-"
Her sentence was cut off when the window directly behind us shattered and several wolves jumped in. Ariels screams were drowned out by their viscous growls and the screamed coming from below but one word was heard clear as day.
I'm SO SORRY I took so long to update this.  But here's chapter 20 I hope you enjoy. And don't forget to comment, vote, and share😊

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