Chapter 3

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Hey everyone! sorry this chapter is a little short but PLEASE vote if you like it! :D


Chapter 3

“Cattleya?” I heard someone say from the other side of the door.

“Are you ok? Why is the door locked?”

I recognized his voice. I got up from my bed and took a quick look in the mirror to see if my makeup had smudged. I hadn’t cried, but my face had been buried in my pillow for hours.

I quickly wiped away some mascara underneath my eyes and unlocked the door. Nate was standing in front of me wearing grey sweats and a white T-shirt, which highlighted the muscles in his arms. His amazing green eyes looked into mine with worry.

“I’m fine.” I said with a warming smile on my face. He looked relieved and gave me a smile back. It wasn’t a smirk; it was a real smile.

“I guess the door just fell into the lock.” I answered him.

He didn’t look like he believed me but he went and sat down on my bed anyway. I closed the door and sat next to him, wondering what he wanted, not that I minded him sitting on my bed.

“Ok…So anyway, eh Ethan’s birthday is coming up next Friday, and Tyler and I decided to throw him a party here.” 

The mention of Tyler’s name made my spine shiver. Nate was sill oblivious to the fact that Tyler had slapped me in the face. In fact, everyone was, except for Tyler of course. I still don’t know if he meant to do it, or if it was just a mistake and that he regretted doing it the moment his hand came in contact with my cheek. My train of thought was interrupted by the mention of my name.

“Cattleya?” Nate said. “Are you listening?”

“Eh yes, yes, sorry I was just thinking. What were you saying?”

“About Ethan’s birthday party. Are you in or not?”

Nate was waiting eagerly for me to answer his question.

“Ya sure!” I said with enthusiasm.

“Good! It’s going to be a surprise party, so Tyler is going to distract him for a few hours, so you and me can set up the party. Ok?”

I nodded. I didn’t mind spending a few hours alone with Nate.

He continued,

“Everyone is invited, well from our school at least, but you can invite some of your friends too. Just not too many cos else there’s gonna be waaayyy to many people.”

I nodded once again.

“Where are your parents gonna be during the party? Are they ok with you throwing it?” I asked curiously.

“Don’t worry about that. We throw parties all the time, and they don’t care. They leave and come back in the morning, but on Friday their actually going away for the weekend, so we don’t need to worry about having to clean up the mess early in the morning before they come home.” He said nonchalantly.

“Don’t they mind you drinking?” I asked.

“Who says I drink?”

“Don’t you?”

“Yea I do.” He chuckled.

My phone began to ring, which made me jump up a little from shock.

“S-sorry.” I stuttered. “Its Hannah, I should probably answer it.”

“Go ahead. I should probably be going anyway.” He said whilst he got up and walked towards the door. He gave me a smirk and made his exit, which gave me a good view of his sexy behind.

“Hey Hannah!” I said while I opened my window and sat in the windowsill.

“Hey! How’s everything?!”

“Em it’s eh good!” I replied even though it wasn’t. I was still upset about the whole Tyler things but I decided to keep my mouth shut about it. Even to my best friend. Besides, Nate had really cheered me up. I was looking very forward to next Friday. Not because of the party, well also, but mostly because I got to spend time with Nate, and just Nate.

“Great! By the way, guess what!” I listened carefully to her words as she continued to speak.

“Tyler asked me out on a date this Friday!”

My spine started to shiver again. The thought of that maniac going on a date with my innocent best friend! I couldn’t let that happen, but what was I going to do? I didn’t want to tell her about everything that happened. Not because she wouldn’t believe me, but because I was a bit scared of what Tyler would do if he found out I told someone. I hadn’t even seen him since about 8p.m. and it was now almost 12 p.m. so maybe I should just talk to him to see if he actually intended on hitting me, because maybe he hadn’t. Maybe it was all just a mistake, and I guess then it would be ok for Hannah to go on a date with him. Wouldn’t it?

“Cattleya?” Hannah’s voice made me jump back into reality. “Are you still there?”

“Y-yea yea I-I’m here.” I tried to speak but I couldn’t seem to get the words out properly.

“Eh, can I call you back? Joana is calling me.” I lied.

“Ya sure…” she said and I hung up the phone.

I decided to talk to Tyler before telling her that she shouldn’t go. I made my way through the dark hallway, since all the lights were off, and knocked on his door. I began to breathe faster and heavier when he said the words “Come in!” I opened the door, only to find out that he wasn’t alone.


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