Chapter XIV

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"Maya" I whispered. Desperately want to run over and hug everything away, but I am trapped. Trapped in a tight grip, reminding me of where I am and who it is. How could I have forgotten? While I was busy trying to escape, I forgot about my family. Maya is there because of me. I caused this and I must change it. I will do anything to help her and unfortunately, Xerxes knows too.

I stepped further toward her, trying to seek an answer for both me and her. Xerxes let me go, releasing his tight gripped curiosity about what I am about to do. However, I am curious as well. My legs think for themself as they continued to walk toward her cell.

The closer I got, the stronger the scent became. Urine, not shower for weeks, the scent of a rogue mixed with an unfamiliar scent. Did it come from her? But that it's not possible, she is not a rouge. Maybe she isn't alone in the cell.

"T-tia" she stutters. Bring me out of thought and hurried to be at her side. I gripped the cell bars not thinking as I wanted to be close to her as possible. "Do not worry, I am getting you out of here" I promised her, settling her fate. I do not care what Xerxes says, if am Luna then I have the power to free her.

"Luna, you are hurting yourself!" the two guards yelled in a union, running toward me to save me.

Save me from what? I am in no pain or danger. I frown as the guards run toward only to be stopped by a loud growl. They stopped right in front of me, a centimetre from touching my arm and dragging me away. I looked over to Xerxes, seeing his wolf has arisen. He is in front of me with a flash, ripping my arms away from the cell bars.

Holding me as a child and carrying me to the other side of the room, leaving us alone in the dark. I hear Maya's hoarse voice half scream after me, scared for her and my life.

"What is your problem?" I yelled frustrated. He placed me down in a hurry, ordering the guards in another language before taking my hands into his own. He whispered calming words into my ear as a suggestion to calm me down, but from what? I open my mouth to ask only to be interrupted by the pack doctor running toward us with the same guards Xerxes ordered.

He took my hands from Xerxes and into his, and examined them carefully. After a few minutes with him searching my hands and Xerxes pasting in the background, he is done. Nodding to Xerxes and leaves in a hurry as his white coat flies along with his body. Xerxes carefully walks toward me, as if I would shader like glass. His eyes spoke his feeling, confused and curious.

His jaw is sharp, which made me think he is biting his inner cheek. Eyes study me, taking me in until he had reached his prey. Head slightly tilted as he takes my hands slowly into his and frowns.

"What just happened?" I finally asked taking my hands away from him, hiding them behind my back. He looked up at me with eyes filled with impressment and pride. Proud of me. "You touched the cell bars" his voice sends me a shiver, as I tried to take in the information. I touched the bars and so what?

"And?" I asked not seeing his point of view. He walked away from me, heading to Maya's cell. I hurried behind him, checking him out from behind. His back muscles were visible as he wore a simple white t-shirt and black jeans with black boots. My fingers start itching, wanting to touch his back.

I shiver at the thought and shoved it away. I had to focus.

We arrived at Maya's cell. When she saw me, she hurried to her feet only to crumble down again. I wanted to run inside to help her up again, but I knew it is impossible while my mate is here. I stopped walking feeling unease as he walked toward Maya.

"Xerxes?" Scared is the main tone of my voice. He went where I had been a few minutes ago and touched the cell bars. His face showed no emotion yet I felt it. I felt pain in my palm and I hissed. I freaked out and immediately ran over pulling his hands away.

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