Day 2: Moriyama's Dilemma... Nanodayo

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"A whole game... A whole game, and my name wasn't hollered even once!" Moriyama continued to complain as Kaijou exited the gym.

"Hey, Moriyama. You're focus definetly wasn't on the game at all. If it weren't for Kise, we could've lost!" Kasamatsu scolded Moriyama.

"Aww! Senpai, that's the nicest thing you've ever said about me!" Kise was getting ready to attack Kasamatsu with a hug, but he took a foot to the back before he could do so.

"Senpai! That's so harsh!" Shouted Kise.

"Oikawa! Over here!"

"Notice me Oikawa!"

"I love you, Oikawa."

Moriyama's mood darkened as Oikawa left the gym followed by a crowd of fangirls.

"It's not fair." Said Moriyama as he started muttering to himself more. Kasamatsu rolled his eyes and began ignoring him.

"You had a good game, Kise-kun." Said Kuroko, who came out of nowhere. Many people jumped in fright. However, Kise just turned and smiled as usual.

"Thanks, Tetsucchi!" Said Kise excitedly.

"...Cchi?.." asked Hinata confusedly.

"That's what Kise calls anyone that he respects." Said Kuroko.

Hinata tilted his head in even more confusion for a few more seconds until what Kuroko said finally clicked.

"Kise, this is Hinata. He plays volleyball." Kuroko introduced Hinata.

"Nice to meet you. Wait, you're the shorty guy who can jump really high!" Kise smiled after he recognized Hinata.

"Sh---Short...Yeah... That's me..." Hinata looked a little discouraged after being called short again.

"Hey! Grand King! I didn't see you there!" Hinata shouted, getting Oikawa's attention away from his fangirls.

"Didn't I tell you to quit calling me that?" Said Oikawa, annoyed.

"Good looks and a cool nickname! This isn't fair!" shouted Moriyama. Oikawa felt a little better since Moriyama had no idea what his nickname meant.

"OIKAWA!! WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU!" Oikawa's face went pale.

"Uh-oh... That's Iwa-chan..." said Oikawa.

As Oikawa began slowly stepping towards the door, Kise's fangirls could be heard in the distance, further worsening Moriyama's mood.

"The fangirls sure are getting worse, isn't that right, Midorima?" Said Takao, nudging a certain carrot in the side with his elbow.

"They're annoying nanodayo." Said Midorima.

"Nano- what-what?? Asked Hinata.

"Just don't ask..." said Takao walking by.

"What are you guys doing here anyway?" Asked Kuroko.

"Apparently, even though they arrived a little late, Haizaki's team is here nanodayo." Said Midorima while pushing up his glasses.

"Haizaki?" Asked Hinata.

"Nobody that important. Besides, I doubt he'll be a problem. Not only do we have Akashi-kun and Aomine-kun here, but there are some really scary looking volleyball players as well. Like the one on Hinata-kun's team" said Kuroko.

"You mean Asahi-senpai! I don't know if he's THAT scary, he's more like a.... a gentle giant?"

Hinata continued, "if you want someone very scary, there's this guy from Shiratorizawa... my captain can be pretty scary too sometimes..."

This, of course, put Hinata into deep thought.

"Hinata!" It was Sugawara. Behind Sugawara was Kageyama.

"What is it, Sugawara-senpai?" Asked Hinata.

"See, I told you he didn't check." Said Kageyama.

"Check what?" Asked Hinata.

"Hinata, please don't get super excited when I say this." Sugawara inhaled deeply before continuing. "The next team we face will be Shiratorizawa."

"But didn't we JUST go against Aoba Johsai?" Asked Hinata.

Kageyama nodded.

"And now I get to play against Ushijima?" A twinkle could be seen in Hinata's eyes as he said this.

"Oh yeah, and Kageyama was chosen for the all-star match at the end of the tournament." Sugawara slipped in the last part hoping Hinata would miss it.

"WHAT? KAGEYAMA GETS TO BE IN THE ALL-STAR MATCH?! Wait... what's the all-star match?" Hinata heard Sugawara all right...

Sugawara sighed before explaining. "For volleyball, they pick one player from the top six teams. They'll play in a match against a university team."

Sugawara's explanation sent Hinata up in flames with anger as he began to argue with Kageyama.

The basketball players watched awkwardly, until Kasamatsu spoke up. He faced Sugawara.

Kasamatsu said:

"Dude... I feel sorry for your captain..."


Hey! Sorry for not updating sooner! A lot has been going on! School had just started, I've been sick, my dog almost died....

But yeah, I just really didn't have it in me to update.

However, as an apology, I've been thinking of having a few cameos from other sports anime!

Like, Ace of Diamond or Free!.

Anyways, tell me what you think in the comments and don't forget to vote!

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