Chapter 19

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I will keep going with this book so my friends can find out what happens and so the people who read this can too. Later =-) Also I would like to dedicate this chapter to JustLAXn for bbecoming a fan! Thank you!


“Will she be ok? That was a deep gash.” “She’ll be fine. We…um…our kind heal faster than humans.” I tried to open my eyes but they wouldn’t work. Someone put something cold on my head. I knew one of the voices but it couldn’t be…

I finally opened my eyes. At first it was blurry but it went away. I tried sitting up but my shoulder hurt so much that I went back down. “Please be careful sweetie.” I looked to my right and saw my mom. “What!” I jumped up and looked around I was in my living room on the couch. “This can’t be real, you died you-you.”

My eyes started watering. I covered my eyes, I would not cry from some fake dream. I started hitting my head, “Wake up, wake up your dreaming.” A hand went on my hurt shoulder. “Ouch!” I turned and saw a tall man behind me he had super dark hair and golden eyes.

“You need to relax. You shoulder had a deep cut it has mostly healed but not all the way.” His smell was similar to mine and exactly the same as the tiger that saved me yesterday. Did that mean he was…no that can’t be, but what if? “Get away from me!”

I pushed him but I fell against the wall. My back screamed in protest. I hissed. The woman came over to me, “Baby listen I know what you must be thinking but it is me.” She grabbed my hand and put it on her cheek. “Don’t you trust your mother?” I felt the warmth under my hand and heard her heart beat.

Tears dripped down my face, “Mom!” I hugged her and we both started crying. I hated crying but I have missed her so much that I couldn’t stop. I forgot about everything had happened because I was just so happy.

That was until I remembered how sad I was when I learned that mom died. Mom had gone out of town for work. I was outside when I heard the phone ring. I went in the house and answered it, “Hello?”

The person on the phone told me mom had been in a car crash. When she was taken to the hospital her last words were to call this house and tell the person who picked up to look in the poems.

I was so upset and mad that I went to the forest as a tiger and just went crazy. When I got home I thought about what the person on the phone said. I went to the bookshelf looked at the shelf with the poems and saw one book written by mom. I looked inside and saw a will explaining what to do if mom died and a lot of money.

I went through all that and now she is back saying that everything it ok? I stopped crying and let go of mom. She was still crying but then she started wiping her eyes, “What’s wrong my little tiger?”

Then something in me snapped. I looked at my mother and my tiger told me that I didn’t need this woman anymore. I was battling the two sides of myself, my tiger was saying I didn’t need her and my human was saying that she is my mom and she was important.

I looked at mom during my inner-fight. Mom stopped crying and looked at me, ”What’s wrong honey?” My two halves fought and; my tiger won. “I am not you honey and I don’t need you.”

Teenage WeretigerWhere stories live. Discover now