Chapter 1

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Sand and the sea. That's the last I remember of my parents. You would have thought the day was perfect, the sun was out, clouds nowhere to be seen, and children laughing in happiness and splashing each other with water. Maybe that's what caused the day to go horribly wrong. All good things come with flaws. 

I never saw what happened. I only heard the screams of my mom, the screams of my dad. Each with its own pitch. I remember not understanding why they were hurt, I remember everyone getting pulled away from the beach. I remember the delight of the children turned to fear, and I remember that my life took a turn for the worse.

They soon figured out I was alone. They consulted with authorities what they should do with me. Do I have any other family? Of course, I never knew if I did, I still don't know now. All I knew have I had a mummy, I had a daddy. I asked them what happened, but they didn't explain. You'll understand when you're older, they said.

They hadn't many options for me, so they settled for the easiest way out: Place me in an adoption center. A place where I won't know anyone, a place where I can't even be alone, a place where kids have backstories, but none as tragic as mine. They said the other kid's parents abandoned them, and I was going to be a special case. They didn't have to know the details, just the basic summary.

They also said I would get along with the other kids well. They reassured me. You'll be fine, they said, besides why would someone hate a little girl like you? You have similar stories, so you'll feel each other's pain.

They couldn't have been more wrong.

I never found out why they hated me, but they did. And that was a fact I couldn't change when I was younger. I thought I would be lonely forever.

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