Chapter 3

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A/N so what's your thoughts on this story so far? What do YOU want to see happen? Might implement an idea in later down the track ;) 

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(Y/N) Pov

"(Y/n)... (Y/n)..."

You woke up with a startle, finding yourself passed out on the floor. Your dull, tired eyes looked around the room. Taking in the scenery of the spotless floor, desk, and bed. Your ears twitched for any sign of someone calling your name again, but no one did. There wasn't any noise apart from the wind clashing against the house outside. Or the bushes brushing against the window. With a quiet yawn, you pushed yourself to sit up. Rubbing your face, feeling your neck groan in pain. Sleeping on the ground isn't the most comfortable thing in the world, especially with no blanket, pillow or any comfortable clothing. You crossed your legs, stretching your arms in the air. Your windows were allowing the brightest of light through, almost blinding you. Sighing, you slowly pushed yourself to stand up. Looking at the time, noticing it was 9:30 am. "Damn I slept in," you chuckled hoarsely, padding to the bed and plonking yourself down. Feeling the comfortable mattress ripple under the weight and movement of yourself. Suddenly an urge filled you up. Pennywise, what was it? Was this clown a person, or was it something more. Sighing, you looked at your fingers. Twirling them together as you thought of what to do. Maybe calling the police was the best option, but you needed to ask your friends at school whether this was a prank or not.

"I'll call on Monday," you decided, getting up off the bed and walking towards the door, opening it and walking downstairs. Seeing your mother sitting on the couch looking at her phone, the television on. You tip-toed pass the distracted woman, heading to the fridge. In need of a coffee (sorry if you don't like coffee, but for the sake of the story you will lol).

Quietly you opened up a cupboard, grabbing out a mug than closing the cupboard doors. Placing the plain white and blue striped mug on the bench. You walked over to the drawers, opening them and grabbing out a teaspoon - then closing the drawer. With tired eyes, you managed to grab a spoonful of coffee out of the coffee jar, and a spoonful of sugar. Something you were dying to have to at least wake yourself up a little more. You cringed, looking at the kettle with a glare. You didn't want to turn it on, but you had too. The noise that came out of that metallic machine was painful to your ears. But mustering up the courage and determination to have coffee, you filled the kettle with water and turned it on. Watching and listening as the alliance made its ear-piercing noise, something you had to go through to get the goods - coffee. "There's a rainbow at the end of a hurricane," and in this case it was coffee.

Moments passed and the kettle had finally gone quiet. Giving a smirk, you grabbed the appliance and filled the mug up, stopping when you were an inch away from the rim. You needed room for milk. Opening the fridge, you grabbed the full-cream milk, walking back to your mug and opening the plastic container. Filling the mug up with the perfect amount of milk, then stirring it. Watching as the hot and cold substance mixed together, making a perfect aftermath. Coffee.

Smiling with joy, you placed the milk container on the bench, grabbed the coffee, stirred it again before holding it close to your nose. Getting a good whiff of the god-like substance. "How was your sleep dear?" Your mother interrupted the intimate moment between you and coffee.

"Good," you replied, casually walking over to the couch and plopping yourself down. Placing the coffee on the table, letting it cool down.

"Did you hear what happened at your school?" Your mother began, placing the phone down and turning the volume of the television down as well. You shook your head in reply, having no clue to what she was talking about. Yourself has been running away from some monster, man, or prankster for the last two days. "Apparently the student office lady died," she began, giving a sigh," on Friday."

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