🙌What makes you little🙌

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Now this is a topic that I have been wanting to touch on for a minute. Honestly so many closet littles who haven't told anyone. Whether you are a boy, girl, trans, genderfluid,androgynous, chubby, skinny, depressed, suicidal, adhd, autistic anything! You fucking matter! You matter to someone. You belong on this earth. You have the ability to do amazing things. Which is why when I see a person who thinks that a little must be skinny, or white, or has blue eyes and blonde hair and has her shit together.
Guess what? That's hella wrong. You don't have to look a certain way to be a little. You have brown hair? Beautiful. Got hazel eyes? Spendid.

Honestly what you do in little space is what you enjoy. If you don't like paci's that's fine. Don't like diapers? That's perfectly normal. Whatever helps you get into little space is what gets you in little space. Whatever you do in that space is between you and whoever you want it to be.

Yes there are fake littles. That will only want a caregiver for their money. Or not make sure they give back the same love and affection and showering that their caregivers gives them. That don't like being a child and having that headspace to go to. That just like to call you Daddy. There is no problem with that. But don't get pissy if you get shot down because they want a actual ddlg relationship. Or a bdsm relationship. A trust and understanding relationship. This goes for fake doms as well. Just call you little names out the blue then expect that you just GIVE your submission to them because "Daddy said so". That's not how it works. It takes time. Research. Trial and error even. And of course trust.

I am honestly going through so much. And so are millions of others in this world. So for every person that reads this, every person that considers to read this, every person that's read the first chapter damn it thank you. This is amazing. This support is awesome. We hit 200 reads which I never thought I would. I want to continue this not only for you guys. But for me. The satisfaction that I can make a change and help others and develop myself. I know that this was kind of a strong rant but I feel it had to be said. Thank you all and stay strong. Also if you have any suggestions for the next chapter please let me know and please check out my rp book💕🌹👶🌈

Word Count: 438

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