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"Come, on! It's almost eleven." Gale yelled, standing at the exit of the palace.

"We have all day Gale." Elle said rushing out to Gale.

"A day isn't enough to see it all." Ferafel said while walking over, dressed in a tiffany blue gown with metallic trim around her neckline. "Come on then." She said clapping her hands twice.

Elle changed into a dress given to her by Ferafel. I was lovely shade of Amethyst and descended in layers to the floor. Alura felt better and wanted to go. Ferafel also gave her a beautiful dress to wear, looking alike to Elle's but coloured red-violet. Gale stepped out of the bathroom in another dress. A simple gown in a shape of light yellow which brought out her golden hair that was pinned up in a bun.

"You all look pretty," Elwood said walking out of the bathroom, now dressed in grey long sleeve tunic with fine trimmings around the sleeves and a black waist coat. "Balasie is staying behind."

"You don't look to shabby yourself." Elle said.

They walked down the grand stairs to the garden surrounding the palace. Soldiers marched around the paths. Their armor reflected off the sun, glaring in Elle's eyes a little. Elle, Alura, Gale and Elwood followed Ferafel out of the palaces garden while she described a little about the gardens up keep.

"Would you like to see the colourful fountain first?" Ferafel asked. "I believe there is a show today."

"A show!" Alura said. "Of what?"

"I'll just show you." Ferafel got excited and hurried down a path leading into the city of buildings.

They walked through crowds of cheerful town people all well dressed. The towns people surrounded market carts a stores in stone buildings selling fresh food. It smelled of herbs and fruits. Most of the buildings were two stories making narrow streets.

The group walked into a large courtyard with towering dark green trees. Clean white fences were around with big tree trunks. A huge fountain dominated the courtyard. It had six layers that clear water trickled down into a circular pond. The top layer was a sculpture of a dragon roaring out water like it would fire.

"It doesn't very colorful though lovely to say the least." Elle said.

"Just you wait," Ferafel said grabbing Elle's hand dragging her to towards the fountain while the others quickly rushed behind. "see the crowds coming."

Elle looked around  and noticed the people gathering around in excitement, "I see but I still don't get it." she said.

"Hello!" A man stepped out in high entertainment spirit. "Ready for the show? I am Wayban!"

"Yes!" the crown shouted and whistled.

Wayban was wrapped in a rosewood red robe and a square flame hat. He had a bread the same as his black curly hair. Elle noticed one of his hands is his pockets. He pulled out his hand quickly and chucked a hand full of dust into the pond. It sparked and crackled while in fell slowly into the water. The dust mixed into the water conjuring up a rainbow of colours.

Alura stepped forward, "Oh, it's wonderful." she said.

"Boom!" Wayban shouted letting off another hand full high into the other levels.

"This guy loves a show." Elwood said.

He pulled out a staff and pointed it towards the fountain making the blue water spurt out furiously. It tricked down the levels making the water turn crystal blue. He pointed his glazed wood staff again which made green colour, it looked like blazing fireworks.

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