Chapter 4 - Dimension Nameless

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Tirek did not know where he was going whatsoever; he just kept going, fully aware of the fact that if he did not, he would be not be let off lightly by Spatium.

I know evil when I see it...hear of it...feel it in the atmosphere. Tirek thought as he sped along into Ponyville itself. But Stellas Spatium...he's another sort of evil altogether; one I never dreamt even existed! In the town square, Twilight's group was still attempting to reach Discord's realm.

"OK!" Twilight revelled in delight at a certain spell she had caught sight of in a book of hers. "I think I've found the very piece of allicorn magic that can help us, Cadance. It's one that amplifies any spell an allicorn may perform ten-fold!"

"So, if we cast a regular transportation spell and combined it with this bit of magic, we could be able to go as far as Chaosville?"

"There's only one way to find out. Hold hoofs, everypony," The row of ponies went like this from left to right: Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, Spike, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Cadance, Twilight, and...Tirek?!? Nopony had noticed his more-than-unexpected arrival, he was just so minute.

"Ready?" Twilight asked.

"READY!" Everypony clamoured in response (with the exception of Tirek, that is, of course!) Twilight and Cadance's horns began to glow a candy floss-like pink, with white sparks sporadically jetting from them every two or three seconds.

"Concentrate," Twilight urged Cadance. "It's not ideal that we don't exactly know what Discord's realm looks like, but we must try to generate at least a rough image of it in our min--" And then came the inevitable moment of notification. " can't be..." Before the purple pony could say anything more about Tirek's uninvited inclusion into the group, she and the others found that they had been successful in transporting to Chaosville. Boy, did it live up to its name! In fact, it lived up to its name far more so than usual; for it was not only pure havoc as a result of the lack of consistence in size, rotation or colour, but many of the doorways to other dimensions had been opened, and objects were falling into those other dimensions at close to the speed of light!

"Oh...I fear we're too late!" Fluttershy wailed in disbelief. "It looks as if Spatium's gotten here first!" There was a brief pause in which the mellow pegasus realised that nopony else was giving any sign of sadness at this fact. They probably just don't care about Discord and will never be convinced he's well-meaning after all he's done! She thought to herself, but when she removed her hoofs from her tearful eyes, she found the cause of the deathly silence was much, much more sinister!

"Just dandy!" Rainbow Dash was shouting. "Stellas Spatium, by far the most evil foe we've ever encountered, and now Lord Tirek—let's face it, you ain't exactly pure of heart, either!"

"I am aware of that, Rainbow, just please let me--"

"Hey! Nopony calls me Rainbow that isn't my friend!"

"Don't anger him, Rainbow Dash," said Twilight. "Have you come to gain vengeance for your defeat at my hoofs? And how in Celestia..." Twilight stopped, and recognised that that term was no longer appropriate. "How in Equestria did you break free from Tartarus? Take a step back while he gives his story, everypony, he may be small, but he could very well still be dangerous." Tirek told everypony all about Queen Chrysalis breaking him out of Tartarus, and how they had seeked revenge on Starlight and Twilight respectively, and how they had tried in utter vain to aid Spatium in his quest for control of the whole multi-verse.

"So Chrysalis is one of Spatium's now, just as all the residents of Equestria are?" Starlight Glimmer asked.

"Correct," Tirek replied.

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