Chapter 5 - Return to the Crystal Empire

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"Spatium's most likely got some of his newly-recruited servants on our tails as we speak," Starlight Glimmer suggested (highly accurately!).

"Try as they might, I can almost guarantee they'll never find us here," said Discord. Lord Tirek was several feet away from the rest of the group, just staring into the white canvas that had seemingly plastered itself all over infinity. He had not spoken to anypony since they had arrived in the bizarre realm.

"How are we all goin' a sleep?" Applejack asked. "What are we all goin' a eat?"

"I can help," Discord replied confidently. "I can use my magic for good as well as chaos, you know." Using his powers, he caused a huge plate of daffodil and daisy sandwiches to appear. "Oh, silly me!" Discord said, facepalming for a moment. "I forgot that such dishes are not to the liking of dragons!" And he fashioned a plate of gemstones. "Where that faithful assistant of yours, anyway, Twilight?" Like Tirek, Spike and Rarity were not with everypony else; the pair were sitting next to each other in a different corner of the seemingly limitless space.

"What's on your mind?" Spike queried. "You look even more anxious and worn-down than the others."

"More than any anypony else," Rarity explained. "I'm worried about Sweetie Belle and her friends. They're only fillies, Spike," Tears were beginning the formation process in her eyes. "I doubt Spatium will have much use for them. And if he ever finds out about...their association with us...what if he--he--"

"Now, Now!" Spike was swift to console the unicorn. "Let's not jump to such conclusions. We are all gonna avert any more of Spatium's evil doings, remember? You'll see your sister again, and Applejack hers. And...everypony else! You'll see."

"I only hope your predictions are error-free," Rarity said. Spike put one claw on her flank. He wondered why Applejack was not showing as much concern as her friend. It's true, what they all say. Spike thought. Applejack cries on the inside.


Nopony could tell exactly how long a period of time they spent in the dimension. Twilight's pocket watch ceased to function to second they stepped hoof in there—according to Discord, this was a normality; strangely enough, not even he could tell how long they had been away.

"What if time works in a different way here?!" Trixie pointed out. "And each second we spend away from Equestria is equivalent to like a day there?"

"It can't be helped, I'm afraid," said Twilight.

"How are we all planning to defeat Stellas Spatium?" Rainbow Dash asked, as if this were far more important than worrying over inter-dimensional time zones.

"Can't you use the chest you used on me?" Tirek inquired, finally interacting with the group.

"That's impossible," Twilight said sadly. "The chest can only be utilised once."

"Surely the elements of harmony would be effective if Spatium himself were after them," said Applejack.

"Well, we have a plan B?" Fluttershy questioned.

"We need a plan C, D, E, we need the entire alphabet!!" Pinkie squeaked.

"As beneficial as that would be," Twilight said, cracking a half-hearted smile. "We simply haven't time."

"I have an idea!" Starlight piped up. "Do you all remember Sunburst?"

"Your childhood friend who used his extensive knowledge of magic to help us restore the Crystal Heart?" Cadance remembered.

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