No more heart breaks

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I was chained up my vision blurry and my head spinning with pain I could only hear but it was ecoed

"Wake up you dumb bitch!" Someone kicked me in the stomach

"Ouch" I hissed

"Tell your little master that he can't get away to easily" the other one said

"What are you talking about?" I asked in confusion

"Don't act like you don't know" the first person said

"Who are yous?" I asked

They both laughed
"Are you bloody serious" the first one said


"It's Rebekah and Hayley" the first one said

"Why am I chained up?" I asked

"Because we know your a threat and your working with someone" Rebekah said

"Well your right on the first one but I'm not working with anyone." I said

"What do you want from us" Hayley asked

"Nothing I'm not helping Kol that's all I know" I said

"Know you want the white oak to kill Kol you liar" Rebekah spat

"True true but since there's no more white oak then I can't kill Kol" I said

"How don't we know your going to find away with the ancestors since they hate Kol" said Hayley

"Trust me they got nothing to kill a original" I said

"How don't we know your lying?" Said some other voice

"You can ask the ancestors" I said

"Freya since your a witch ask them!" Rebekah said

"Even if there's away they aren't going to tell me since I'm a Mikaelson" freya said

"Okay..... let's kill Meredith she's pretty much useless to us" Hayley said

"Hold on Im not useless" I said

"Yes you are" Rebekah said

"Guys stop she's not useless she can help me Bring back davina" freya said

"Know I'm not helping none of you stupid Mikaelsons" I said

"Then go ahead kill her" freya said

"Wait" I said

"This better be good" Hayley said

"I'll help you with davina" I lied

After three hours of chanting there was know bringing back davina she's long gone they let me go so I decided to head somewhere to be free from the Mikaelsons I decided to go to Paris
I went back to New Orleans to get my belongings while I was mid way packing I heard a noise but I chose to ignore it like I do for all my problems I grabed my bag and threw it on my shoulder and went out the door to be faced with people walking the New Orleans streets music food feeled my ears and nose I'm gonna miss this place I thought
While walking to the bus stop I thought I saw Kol in a alley but when I blinked he wasn't there anymore probably my imagination I brushed it off waiting for the bus I waited for 20 minutes know bus showed I desided to wait 10 more and still know bus showed so I went back to Marcel's while walking towards it I was pulled into a alley.
I turned around to see who it was it was Kol he had blood all over his face

"What do you want" I said

"You can't just leave" he said

"What's that supposed to mean" I asked

"Meredith davinas gone there's know coming back I can't lose you two" he said

I wanted to laugh but instead I slapped him

"How dare you speak to me that way your the one that just used me for bringing back your stupid girlfriend and now you say 'I can't lose you two' sorry to break it to you but you never had me to begin with" I said
He didn't hesitate to kiss me
He thought it was just going to fix everything well it didn't I was still mad I still hated him I still wanted to kill him I still wanted to kiss him back...

Black magic |Kol Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now