Jack Maynard- "Relax"

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This imagine was requested without a prompt line so yeah. Here you go!

You were sat on your sofa attempting to do maths homework but you just couldn't concentrate. School had been been stressing you out a lot lately. You had tests, tons of homerwork and school in general was just stressing you out.

You decided to tweet about how much school was stressing you out.

About ten minutes later you heard a knock on the door.

"Hi- Jack!" You exclaimed as you opened the door to find your boyfriend.

"Heyyy I saw your tweet about being stressed and as I am your favourite person I thought I'd come over and make things better" Jack informed you as he walked in.

"Sure you are Maynard" You said sarcastically as you rolled your eyes and closed the door behind him.

"So what's wrong?" He asked and sat down on your sofa.

"Schools just been really stressing me out recently" You explained as you sat next to him.

"I bet I could help with that" He said in your ear with a smirk as he massaged you're neck and shoulders.

You closed your eyes enjoying the feeling of his hands kneading your skin.

You felt him gently press a row of kissed down your neck. He nibbled on your weak spot sending a shiver down your spine.

"Jack" You warned.

"What?" He said innocently.

"You know what. I need to do homework not have sex." You laughed.

Jack pressed one finally kiss to the back of your neck before moving away.

"Okayyy, how about you do your homework and I'll run you a bath? So you can get in once you've done your homework and I'll cook you dinner." Jack suggested.

"That sounds like an amazing idea." You said.

So that's what you did. You finished off your homework and after had a nice long relaxing bath. Then changed into your favourite pjs.

"Hey babe what did you cook- Wow!" You walked in the lounge to find Jack had make you a tumblr style den with fairy lights everywhere.

"Aww Jack!" You said hugging him.

"Glad you like it" He smiled.

"I cooked pizza and went to buy your favourite Ben and Jerrys ice cream" He told you.

You had a huge grin plastered on your face.

"You're the best!" You exclaimed.

"I know" He relied with a wink making you laugh.

You sat snuggled up under a blanket together watching your favourite Disney movies and eventually you feel asleep on his chest. 

This ended up being shorter than I intended soz 💗

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