Chapter Fifteen

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Hey guys, thanks for making it here. Here is chapter fifteen. Wish you happy reading, and I am sorry for all the mistakes that might be found.

- Chapter Fifteen - Fun and worries

I was sitting on Sam's back. He was running freely, until we reached a lake. He put me down, and I giggled. Sam drunk from the water, and then came back to me. He played with my face licking it, and I played with his hair. It felt awesome, being there. I was so happy. After a while, I found myself hugging Sam. He didn't seem to mind. After a while, I pulled back, and then said " You are awesome. "

He smiled a little, and then he went behind a tree, and shifted. I waited for him, and then I found myself not touching the ground. I looked down, and saw Xavier. He threw me over his shoulder, and I started hitting him.

" Put me down, you silly idiot. " I said, while hitting him. He didn't budge at all.

" Put me down. " I shouted louder.

" As you wish, babe. " he said, and threw me in the lake.

I shouted at him, and screamed when I hit the water. I looked at my body, and then at him and said " Xavier, I am so going to get you back for it. "

" Show me what you got. " he replied, while laughing.

" You better ran, man. " I said giggling.

I ran out of the water towards him. He started running away. The water was slowing me down. I decided to trick him. I fell to the ground, and faked crying. He came after me, and then said " Are you okay? "

I smirked, and through my wet arms around him. I hugged him to me, so his body became witter. I looked at him while laughing, and said " Got ya, dude. "

" Okay then. " he said, and then carried me.

He started walking to the lake, and I kept screaming and hitting his back. When he reached there he threw me in the water, and I stuck to him causing him to fall with me.

" You won't get rid of me that easily. " I said, and started throwing water at him.

We laughed together, and he threw water at me back. After a while, he disappeared in the water, and then he came from my back. I screamed loudly, and turned back. He caught me from my waist, and pushed me down in the water. I playfully kicked him, but he didn't budge.

After a while, night came. We had been playing for a long time. We were both socked. He got out, and then we walked to the pack house. It was a big walking distance, but we didn't feel the time. I knew that we would catch a cold, but I didn't care. We both laughed, and giggled together. When the pack house was in our view, we decided to race. We had mud on us already. We started running, he won our little race. He was faster than me.

We made it there, and Xavier kept making fun of me. Well, all because I lost. We went home, and then he left. I greeted my parents, and then I took a shower. I took a hot, long shower. That shower made my worries fade away. After the shower, I had dinner, and saw with my family. After that, I went up to sleep.

I woke up early the next day, that day would be the last day. Meaning the next day would be the war. I pushed the negative thought away, and started getting ready. I wore a casual outfit. I wore some shorts, and a T-shirt. I didn't put make up that day. After a while, I went down, and made breakfast. The previous day was perfect. I was so happy. I didn't remember what happened in the days before it. I remember four days from seven which made me feel weird. For some reasons, I felt that those four days were so important in my life. However, I got zero idea about it. I didn't know what to do, so I decided to ignore it.

After a while, aunt and uncle were down eating. I started eating too. The food was quite delicious. What did I expect? I was so talented. I had a huge self ego too. I started eating my food, and soon it ended. I washed the dishes, and waited for aunt, and uncle. They were done soon, and we went to the pack house. Xavier was there. He was giving me his back. I ran to him, and jumped on his back. I was giggling, and he was laughing too.

" Hey dude. " I said, with a smile.

" Hey babe. " he said.

He put his hand under me, supporting my weight. Zen was giving me a look, that made me blush a bit. That boy definitely had an older mind. Xavier looked at me, and then kissed my cheek. I blushed harder.

" You are so cute. " he said, causing me to blush harder.

I was so nervous after he kissed my cheek. I decided to push it aside. We talked for a bit, and then I asked Xavier to put me down.

" Nuh, I like it. " he said, with a smirk.

" Put me down. " I shouted.

" No. " was still his reply.

I started moving, but the never affected him. I gave him a warning look, and he just laughed at it, causing me to send him a glare. He laughed harder, and I laughed too. I wanted that day to be perfect. It was the last one before the war. No training was there, just planning. They were planning the teams and etc...

Xavier, and I stayed the whole day together talking. I would sure miss him. Something inside of me told me that our meeting would be the last. I didn't like that. This would be our last meeting. At night, we all stayed together. We talked, and then everyone went to his home. Today was kind of awkward with some people. It was awkward between Zoe, and Xavier too. She tried talking to him, but he kept ignoring her. I felt that Xavier was taking his payback, but I felt bad for the poor girl. I would never want my mate to ignored me. I wanted to meet him so badly, but I felt that I didn't want to at the same time. I didn't understand anything, even my own feeling. My feeling was telling me that I forgot something that I shouldn't forget. However, my mind got no idea about what was it.

I decided to ignore all of that for then. I went back home, and made dinner for my parents. I massaged their bodies to let it relax. They went to bed, and I went to mine, but sleep never seemed to kick in. Thoughts kicked in instead. I was thinking about my mate, and my feeling. The war was on my mind too. I was worried about Xavier, my parents and Kiara. Kiara had been ignoring me for some reasons. Each time I tried talking yo her, she would just ignore me. It hurt me. I tried understanding what did I do wrong, but she said that I did nothing wrong. I didn't realize that I was crying, until my salty tears fell on my lips.

Word count: 1206

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