Author's Note/Prologue

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Hello all!

First off, I want to thank you for taking the time to read this. It'll give me a chance to explain the story and its origins.

Secondly, the explanation. The Girl Marauder series is the first I ever began, the first in this series the first 'book' I ever wrote. It's how I started writing, and without it there would be no Siri Black series, no Potter, no nothing.

Naturally, the first editions of this story were poorly plotted, written, and edited. Over the past couple months I've been rewriting this hopefully successful attempt to bring back the characters I know some of you have been waiting so long to read about again! I need you to understand it will not be the exact same story- It will, however, be much better. 

So I give this story out in the hope that you will love it as much as the first, or as Potter, or as whatever it was that got you to click on it.

Luv ya'll,




As she woke, the girl lifted her scarred arms above her head, yawning as complete exhaustion set in. Full moons were nights of running, screaming, and adrenaline. Between those three, sleep was scarce. With a small grunt she forced herself to stand, wincing when her foot, mangled and bloody, held her weight. 

 Healing charms. That’s what she needed.

 Gritting her teeth, she managed to limp towards the small sink in the corner of the room, opening the cabinet next to it to search for her wand. She had only been in the small shack for a week, after having scared away a group of muggle children that had been using it as a hideout. Luckily they hadn’t taken their stash of food with them, and she had been living off apples, crackers and juice pouches for the past six days. The food, accompanied by the berries she had managed to gather on her own, were not ideal, but filling and tasty all the same. 

Taking her wand down from the bottom shelf of the cabinet, she pulled herself up to sit on the sink, pulling her foot up for a better look. The blood left a rotten smell in the room, and the girl crinkled up her nose in distaste. Pointing her wand, she quickly muttered what spells she knew, watching as the flesh and sinew mended back together. The skin would be fragile for a little while, but it should work just fine for now. Setting herself back on the ground, she carefully hobbled back to where she had woken up, careful not to step in the blood that had pooled there from her foot. It was definitely time to move on. 

Breathing deeply, she moved past the blood and to the second room in the small shack, kneeling down to cram her things into her sleeping bag. They fit easily, as they always did. When her brother turned seventeen, he had charmed it for her- It would always fit as much as she needed it to. It practically had whole other rooms inside it, ones that she and her brother would hide in, away from cold parents and their expectations, away from their godmother and her cruel lessons. 

 “Just a few more days.” Luna murmured as she picked up the small calendar she kept with her. She'd  been running for so long, and was running out of options. Now she was going to her only one left- the only place where she could possibly be safe. The last place anyone would look for her, where she could hide among swarms of students and halls that anyone could easily get lost in.


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