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Richardfinally collected all of his courage to do this. But after 2 minutesin the building he already needed a new break because of Rita'sscream. He wasn't relaxed anymore, in fact, he felt quite theopposite. He ran through the main hallway, passed a sleeping Todd andopened the door. This situation was one of those reasons why somepeople commit suicide. Rita was crying, that was bad. But the worstthing was that Mary wasn't crying. In fact, Mary wasn't doinganything. Richard stood there, in silence. He had a millionquestions, but the one that stood out the most was why Rita didn'tstop him. Richard's mind couldn't blame himself for this. Thoughthere might've been a part that did, but he silenced it for his owngood. "Rita.." he began. He was slowly getting Rita'sattention. "i.. i'm..", he stopped talking. Rita was giving himan uncomfortable stare. Though Richard was a strong and tall man, hebegan to fear the situation. He could easily defend himself. Butstill, he feared her at this moment. She had stopped crying, whichresulted in a silence. A devastating, highly uncomfortablesilence. While still fearing for an attack, mental or physical,Richard looked around the room. The carry cart had fallen over. Thesink was filled with a mix of water and blood. His path wasblocked by another big splash of blood. After seeing this, hedidn't want to look at Mary's bed because he was sure of a deadmother and child. His headache was getting worse by the blood drop,it clouded his vision so badly that he barley could see Rita's rage. While his hearing was fine, he couldn't hear a single wordleaving Rita's mouth. She had lost her voice while screaming for hisname. Feeling relieved Richard started to investigate the mainproblem, the baby. He stood up and walked over to the bed andstarted to examine Mary. She was still alive, and to his surprise thebaby was as well. Tears of relief rolled over his cheek. He looked atthe clock, 3:32 am. Hannica's Hospital would open in fourhours. He could do this, though to clean this mess up was going to bea serious task. He slowly started to clean things up. He started withthe sink, which consisted of the only 2 fluids Richard had seen thatnight. Richard looked at the mirror above the sink. The thought thathe had four hours to clean started to relax him. The anxiety slowlyslipped away and he was able to get his mind straight. Richarddecided that in order to fix this mess, his hands had to be clean. Hestarted to look for the soap. Richard always had a thing for goodsoap. You might think he liked soap because he liked his hands clean,or that he paid attention to personal hygiene but no. Richard likedsoap because of its shape and smell. Since soap fabricators don'treally focus on the look of their soap, he had a hard time findingthe perfect soap. The only soaps he could approve of in Hanica wasHanicas's own soap. The soap was made by the sweetest woman you canimagine. The memory of buying soap in her shop gave him a nostalgicfeeling. Now that his hands were clean, his courage restored and hishead clear, he decided that he was going to fix the rest of the mess.He turned around and all of his thoughts disappeared instantly. Ritawas gone. The adrenaline kick started his headache and he wasbecoming nauseous. Feeling panicked, Richard walked out of the room,looking for Rita. He ran through the hallway and again, passed asleeping Todd Baker. The only two logical places where Rita could bewas her spot at her desk, or room 3. Room 3 was probably everone'sfavorite room. There was free coffee and tea, which is quiteluxurious for such a small hospital. Rita was a heavy tea drinker.She once told him how healthy tea was and how he should drink it too.He thought Rita was full of shit and from that point on, he onlydrank coffee when he would see Rita. Which is such a great example ofRichard's behavior. He entered room 3 and it was dark, Rita wasn'there for sure. Just when he was about to leave the first floor, heheared a scream. But this wasn't the scream he heared before, thiswas a high, female-like scream. The only person in the building thatwas able to produce such a scream was Mary.

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