Friend quotes

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Quotes from people I know
*() this means how old the kid is

" I go commando"- Trey 2017

"MY WINKYS SLIMEY"- Friend little brother (4)

" Son of a bitch" -Friends little brother

" You gonna fart or something"- Friends other little brother

"I bet this guy goes to the hospital three time a week"- Avery

"Mmm I love pepperoni"- Avery

"Woof"- friends dog (2)

"Hey Hannah do you know what we have for histo- OH MY GOD ARE YOU EATING MY PIROGIES GET YOUR FLITHY HANDS OFF MY FOOD!

"Hey do yo- AH I bit my tongue "- Avery

"Im bored" - Hannah

"NIALL AND HARRY ARE MY LIFE, like seriously I love them"- cousin

"I'm Beyoncé bitches"- Avery


"Hand me the cream cheese or I will end your pathetic life" -Avery

" Your neck smells good"- Emmarie

"A ducks life goal is to cover this entire world in it's shit"- Hannah


"The suns too bright, turn it off"- Mayah

"You made me drop my croissant, now you must pay"- Hannah

"Is it just me or does the dogs leg look like a chicken wing, cause with some BBQ sauce, Mm prime"-Seth

"You know milk is just a cows utter juices"-Hannah

"You know, I've only ever been in love with one guy. His name was Roberto and he was a delicious slice of Hawaiian pizza"-Avery

"Your dog look like the trash monster from Sesame Street"- Mayah

"I like food"- Jalen

"When you do stupid shit, stupid shit happens"-Dearest mother

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