Silver Creek Pack

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"Que es todo esto?" (What is all this?) ask Oswaldo

"Ese es el equipaje de Lady Valencia y Lady Lucita." Says Omega Ana.(that is lady Valencia's and lady Lucita's luggage)

"dama!?!" (Lady)

"Yes. They said since they are "los escogidos" that they are now "damas del paquefe." Omega Ana adds while holding her nose up in the air like a snob.(the chosen ones) (ladies of the pack)

Oswaldo looks at the others and they all start to laugh. "Sure whatever."

"Más como 'damas de los polos de bailè." jokes Montego. (More like 'ladies of the dance poles')

"O 'la parte trasera arroja'." adds Nero.(or 'the back shed')

They all are laughing harder. Luna Faustina or Tina walks up to the vehicles with the four chosen omegas following close behind. "Damas, tiene 30 minutos para hacer esas siete bolsas en dos. Sì no, te reemplazare con otros dos omegas que pueden seguir las instrucciones correctamente." commands Luna. (Ladies you two have 30 minutes to make your seven bags into two. If not, I will replace you with two other omegas that will follow my instructions properly)

"Pero dijiste que solo empaquetaras lo que necesitamos para sobrevivir." complains Vallie. (but you said to only pack what we need to survive)

"I y necesitamos todo!" they both say together. (and we need all of it)

"QI mire usted poco mimado!" (look you spoiled little....)

"Cuidado con lo que dices." warns Carlos. (mama careful what you say)

Luna sighs. "You now have 26 minutes and counting. Hurry up because you have to do this yourselves. Ningun sirviente te you'd area. Ahora mueveb." (No serve to will assist you. Now move it.)

"Everyone else finish loading the vehicles for we can move out." commands Beta Baez.

"Gracias, Luna. My wife really spoils Valencia. Ella no puede hacer nada por si misma. Hopefully this will help her mature if only alittle bit." says Valencia's father Adam. (she can't do anything for herself)

"What is my daughter doing?" questions Lucita's madre Maria. "Why is she rearranging her luggage? Donde estan los sirvientes? Lucy, quit that.  Tus unas se desordenaran." (where are the servants?) (your nails will get  messed up.)

"Mrs. Cortes, she is following a direct order from your Luna. Do you want her to receive punishment for not doing as instructed?" questions Alpha Santino.

"No my Alpha. But....." she answers lowering her head.

"NO BUTS!" He growls out.

She whimpers falling to her knees.

     <<<<<TIME SKIPS>>>>>

"I can't believe I just packed my own luggage. I actually have water leaking from my body." complains Vallie.

"It's called sweat." says Nero. They all start to laugh looking at the reaction of the prissy girls.

"I guess we can now call you 'damas de las axilas sudorosas'" comments Carlos. (ladies of the sweaty armpits.)


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