Let things be?

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OK we begin another chapter....I just got a new phone so I'm sooo happy right now yay (≧∇≦). OK back to the story

Dippers P.O.V:

"Dont go in there!" As I was pulled back forcefully, I turned to look and find Ford looking into the forest panic stricken With concern lacing my face all I got out was a simple "w-why?". He looked at me studying me with a hard calculating gaze with a hardened look. He looked between my face and back into the forest before he replied "come" was all he said as he marched back into the shack. Confused I followed not sure what was going through my Great uncles mind. He stormed into the house and into the kitchen, "Family meeting!" Stan and Mabel looked at Ford then each other. "Ford what's wrong?" was all I got to say before he covered my mouth "shh" he looked around before motioning for everyone to follow.

We all looked at each other and began following not completely sure what was happening. we made our way to the elevator and to the basement. the moment the door open ford stoms off and begins pressing buttons. "There... now what im abpout to tell you I dont want any interuptions he said looking at all of us "but For-" he looked at me, shutting my mouth he started speaking again. "now...Everyone remembers weirdmageddon" we all nod our heads "ok so ever since we got back from sailing, I've been checking gravity falls weird to normal ratio and the proportions and what is usually standard has escalated. Now for gravity falls the abnormal is fairly normal still even it abheres to a certain proportionality." he looks at us and begins again. "The oddity of with which is normal here is off" "how's it off?" I couldn't help asking "i-its increasing" "almost like weirdmageddon?"I asked again. He doesn't answer my last question instead continues his pacing muttering to himself. "for-" I began "leave him kid, when he gets like this you cant get a word in edgewise" gruncle Stan says.

We watch ford pace a little longer and after what feels like an eternity he shouts "thats it!" "whats it?" I ask. He looks at us, remebering we're there "this all began after Bill was defeated" he looks at us with excitement "now after he was erased from Stan's mind, the weirdness begins going hectic" we all look confused not following his reasoning. "what if bill is a catalyst for all the weirdness in gravity falls increasing? ok think of it this way, what is a catalyst?" he looks at us "Something that increases a chemical reaction without having any changes to itself" I answer "yes!, now if Bill is the begining for all the weirdness in gravity falls escalting then what happens if you were destroy or take out the first part of the equation I.e Bill" he looks again " a catalyst is something that provides an alternative route From a reaction as its increased. Its a sort of pathway to the reaction product, now this is all mediated by the catalyst." "woah, woah woah, hold it pointdexter can you, I dont know dumb it down for us regluar people?" gruncle stan asks "basically without bill alive the wierdness of gravity fall will increase to weirdmageddon proportions,  maybe even worse" I answer "hold on didn't bill start weirdmageddon?" mabel asks. "Exactly, but gravity falls had it own weirdness and after Bill got ahold of the rift it affected how gravity falls weirdness works." now as bill was the one between it sort of controlling the reaction, if what im thinking is corect then with bill out of equation.

Theres nothing inbetween the changes made to gravity falls own weirdness after being exposed to the nightmare realm." he looks at us and waits for our reaction. "so this is all my fault?" mabel asks. "It's no ones fault mabel, besides thats not what we need to focus on right now" I inerupt what she would've said. " Dippers right Mabel, now is not the time to take blame on anything." I turn to ford "can't we just find something else to go in between again?" I ask  "yes, but there's no gaurantee that it'll be strong enough to intermediate...". It goes quiet, He then looks at his watch "well look at the time you two should be getting to bed" ford says shoving me and mabel to the exit. "Stan why don't you help get them to bed?" he looks at ford " yeah...sure I can do that". We're pushed through the doors and the last thing I see is ford looking through his notes. I could help if he only let me I think, but he still pushes me away. I guess he needs time to think alone. He might ask me to help later...

and im done so what do you think? Im not to sure if that makes sense  but as wlays vote and comment if you want, and thanx for reading!
\(*T▽T*)/  Baiiiii~

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