Party Plans?

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I don't know why I let his casual kiss slide. What is wrong with me? Ugh, I hate myself right now. How could've I possibly forgiven him so easily for that girl he brought over.

Wait, why should I even care?

I shake my head at myself in the mirror. What is going on with me? I want to stay mad at Alex but I just can't. Every time I'm around him, I literally lose it. I need to control myself.

I zip up my black dress and take in a breath.
I walk out of the extravagant bathroom determined. Thank goodness Alex left before I woke up. I can't help but feel very strange in such an expensive place. My eyes scan the time, 6:00. Time for work.

I walk into Bentley Enterprise and almost everyone looked in my direction. The room fell silent. What's going on? My black heels hitting the marble ground was the only sound I could hear. My feet awkwardly carry me quickly to the elevator. I hated being the center of attention.

Thankfully an empty cart opened within a few seconds. I pressed the button for the 70th floor and headed up. The door slid open and there stood a very happy Katie.

"Oh my gosh, congratulations !" She pulled me into a bear hug.

What was this girl talking about? "Umm what?"

She put her hands on her hips. "Don't play coy with me, Mrs. Bentley."

My eyes grew wide. "How do you know about that?"

She chuckles, "Oh please, everybody here knows. Rumor has it, Bentley and you made out during one of his meetings."

My mouth almost dropped. I feltt a flush creeping up my neck. No wonder everyone was staring at me.

"So it is true! You dirty dog," Katie exclaimed.

"No, it was just a little kiss," I try to say causally.

"Uh huh sure. Anyways what are you doing here so early? Can't wait to make out with Bentley eh?" She wiggles her eyebrows.

I laughed. "No, I'm here to work."

"Work?" She asked.

"Uh yeah, did you already forget that I work here?" I question.

Katie smiled. "Of course not, it's just that there's another girl already in you're office. Bentley told me that it was his new P.A."

What the hell?

I walk to my office and push the door open with force. There sat a young woman with long curly platinum blonde hair. She looked up, got up and smiled.

"Good morning Mrs. Bentley, I'm Lillian," she introduced.

"Please, just Ana," I try to say warmly.

"It's so nice to meet you!" Lillian smiled.

She was pretty. Maybe too pretty. "You too," I smiled back. Of course Alex would hire someone that looked perfect.

"Is there anything I can do for you this morning?" Lillian's hazel eyes gleamed.

"No, just stopping by to say hi," I force a big smile.

"Oh well have a nice a day!" She said happily.

"You too," I say while exiting.

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