The Clients: Lutece and Lutece

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"There's always a man, there's always a city, and there's always a lighthouse." - Elizabeth


A Lighthouse in the Mid Atlantic 

Cough! Cough! Cough! Gaaaaasp, Cough! 

Blue struggled for air as she crawled onto a flight of solid steps. Her body trembled, wet and cold. The Woman who had swam with Blue was beside Blue, in seemingly better condition, but still shivering from the cold treatment of the sea. Her dark her fell flat against her head and figure, but she was still undoubtedly beautiful. She offered Blue a hand,

"You alright?"

Blue reached for the woman's hand, her own shaking, 

"I-" cough, "-I'm cold... But I'm alive..." 

The woman took her hand and helped her up. 

"Let's get inside. Hopefully it'll be warmer." She cooed, holding Blue close in an almost protective way. Blue nodded as her teeth chattered. Blue looked up to see it was night time on this planet. The stars and the moon shown brilliantly, so much so even the scarce clouds could not diminish their brilliance. Their lights were reflected in the waves of the ocean. It was impossible where the sky ended and the sea began.  Only place in sight was this lighthouse they had swam up to. 

"...Why is there a lighthouse, in the middle of the ocean?" Blue wondered, "And what were the chances of us landing so close to it?"

"I planned for us to land near it. This is where my clients asked me to deliver you." The woman explained, "They should be inside waiting for us."

Blue was now even more confused, 

"What? H-how-? Wait... Why-?" But the woman cut her off.

"-Try not to think too hard about it, Ms. Ryan. You'll only get more confused." The woman sighed. 

They turned towards the entrance of the lighthouse. The door was a jar but it was very dark inside. It was as if the darkness ate up all possibility for any peaceful existence beyond it, and instead breaded much more hostile company. But the woman brought her in anyways, they still could see nothing but a stretch of floor that the moonlight lit up through the doorway. Slowly the door closed behind them. Blue turned with alert, as the door snapped shut. Now they were in the darkness. 

"Oh god." Blue gasped.

"How dramatic." The woman grumbled.  

Lights started to flicker to life in the interior of the lighthouse to reveal a gigantic sneering statue of a man with a mustache in a suit. Below his golden chest was a banner that read:

No Gods or kings

Only Man

"Only Man?" Blue breathed, stunned at the very notion. 

"Yes." The woman answered, "Ryan didn't believe in a God or big government."

"But he was a leader? A large figure in society? Was he respected?"

"For a while. But he wasn't always a good one-"

"But he was a leader, a male leader?"

"Of course."

"This... This is wonderful! This is what we've been fighting for!"

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