My Heart [Tayley fanfiction]

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[Hayley's POV] 

"Hey guys, Do you see our fans talking about 'Tayley'?, I guess it's a ship name for Taylor and I" My voice all happy at the end.

"Oooh, You're buying me a ship?" Taylor said, sliding through the doors of the balcony.

I giggled, "No, I mean a relationship thing. Where you ship two names together." 

"Why us? You're dating Chad" He said sitting down next to me.

I sighed at that comment, Lately, Chad and I haven't even been talking.

He's either been on his phone or on the computer talking people. I needed to break it off.

"Anyways," I said, shutting my computer and turning to Taylor.

"Let's go get ice cream" I said


"I'll have Blue Cosmo ice cream" I said ordering the ice cream.

It's blue by the way, It was just like my hair color before but a little darker than this.

Taylor ordered a vanilla ice cream, boy was he just plain.

"So tell me about this 'Tayley', They kinda seem interesting." Taylor said.

I blushed a bit, "Well, Tayley is our names together. I guess I always end up breaking up with Chad or Josh and we as in Taylor and Hayley, get together because we both have feelings for each other and we've always hid them once we laid eyes on each other in high school" My cheeks became even redder talking about us.

Why was this happening? 

I mean I have felt a certain way about Taylor when he was around, Now we're alone and I'm getting butterflies around him.

Please just tell me if this is the Tayley affect or do I really have feelings for my best friend, my brother Taylor York? 

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